Aug 032020

Virgin Galactic Unveils Mach 3 Aircraft Design for High Speed Travel, and Signs Memorandum of Understanding with Rolls-Royce

Similar in layout to Concorde. Doubtless similar issues in making it make any sort of economic sense.

Not much in the way of details (Mach 3 cruise above 60,000 feet), and the artwork is very likely essentially speculative. Passenger count is a meager 9 to 19, putting it squarely in the “business jet” category.


 Posted by at 1:06 pm
Aug 022020

So in Maine it is legal to have and use marijuana… but it’s not legal to sell it. So how does a company legally make money in Maine off weed? Quite simple: if you have *lost* your weed, their incredible team of psychics will, for a fee, find it for you.


At we pride ourselves in being able to recover your lost cannabis and return it to you in minutes, not hours.

Capitalism: solving the worlds problems and making a buck doing it.


Cannabis Delivery Services are illegal in Maine.  Gifting Cannabis is illegal in Maine.  Don’t worry though! It is still legal for an Adult age 21/+ to carry 2.5oz of Cannabis Flower and up to 5 grams of concentrates!

So under your scenario you are in Maine vacationing, living, etc… and you lost your weed.  OH NO!  Who do you call? The INCREDIBLES.ME Psychic Service!  We have Psychics roaming all over Portland communicating with their deity, their spirit guides, and having religious moments of clarity. We can guarantee to find your LOST WEED!! (For a small, but very worth while fee!).

Just login to this site, and select the cannabis or cannabis products you lost, and give us your address.  We will find YOUR weed and get it back to you ASAP.  Fees vary based on the time it takes us to find your weed, the quantity of weed we have to locate, and the distance in which we have to travel to get YOUR LOST weed back to you.

I get it… it sounds like crazy crackpot stuff right? Well it is effective, and more importantly it is (in our opinion) LEGAL! (It also is out of respect for law enforcement, we are not scoff laws, we respect the men and women in blue who protect this State.) Maine is going through some cannabis growing pains. While these growing pains are happening, why not avail yourself of our services? We are not a delivery service, we are not furnishing you weed.  We are simply returning YOUR property!  If you have LOST your weed, please feel free to reach out to us! Your word is good enough for us. If you say you LOST IT, we will FIND IT, GUARANTEED or you pay nothing.

I don;t smoke weed. Do you? I DON’T CARE. So any dodge, hustle, scam someone can come up with to find loopholes in dumbass laws and exploit them, making a profit while providing a product people actually want… wonderful.

 Posted by at 10:38 pm
Aug 022020

… to give up *everything.*

Minneapolis police tell residents to obey criminals and ‘be prepared’ to be robbed

Since the Antifa/BLM riots spurred the lefties in Minneapolis to debase their police department, crime has spiked. And with fewer cops less willing to do much of anything, crime will continue to spike. Residents will have to assume that they are on their own. And since in this new woke world it would be wrong to tell residents to push back against criminality, it is apparently now official policy for civilians in the 3rd precinct to just roll over and let criminals do whatever they want. For now that means letting them take your stuff. In the future… who knows. I would counsel women to stay the frak away from Minneapolis given what *you* will be expected to let criminals do to and with you.

This is the world the far left wants you to have. This is the world that much of the media refuses to describe accurately… calling it “peaceful protests” when anyone with eyes can see it’s rioting, looting and arson. This is the world that Biden would bumble us into.

Recommendation: get armed, get trained, and vote against any politician who supports or ever supported laws that would strip from you your right and ability to defend yourself, your family, your home or your stuff.

 Posted by at 6:11 pm
Aug 022020

“The Day Called X” is a CBS broadcast from 1957 dramatizing a nuclear attack on Portland, Oregon. Rather interesting to compare/contrast then vs. now… three hours warning of the attack vs maybe three minutes now, Portland being described as “friendly,” the citizens *calmly* evacuating the entire city (noting that in 1955 a practice evacuation cleared out the center of town in little more than half an hour), Portland before the attack not looking like it was already bombed into gravel, nobody here is touting the glories of Communism and yapping about burning down capitalism, etc. Doubtless back then when this was broadcast there would have been very few people arguing that Portland getting nuked would improve the place, or even jsut shrugging in exhaustion upon hearing of the event. Note how often “AN ATTACK IS NOT TAKING PLACE” pops up on screen, presumably so that people tuning in late don’t freak out. Behold at 17:11 the glorious Ford Edsel, just the thing for fleeing an H-Bomb.

One thing is certain: Portland has a plan for the survival of it’s people and the continuity of it’s government. You know, actually the survival of this entire nation depends upon the ability of Federal, state and local governments to carry out their responsibilities in the event of a massive nuclear attack.

How times have changed. Or not.

 Posted by at 11:51 am
Aug 022020

As we’ve recently seen, leftist “peaceful protestors” have decided that it is a good idea to use bright green lasers to attempt to permanently blind cops and federal agents. Once you open a particular can of worms, though, you open the way for those worms to be dumped on *you.* Don’t be surprised if the feds show up with something like this, a 200 watt ultraviolet “melt your retinas in milliseconds” laser.

This was made by one YouTuber with a crappy $1500 Chinese laser. *Imagine* what the FBI could field, especially if they were as fascistic as the fascist LARPers in Antifa claim they are.

 Posted by at 3:07 am
Jul 312020
Rewards have just been posted for APR Patrons/Monthly Historical Documents Program subscribers. Included this time:
1) An early (1969) NASA study of possible Space Shuttle configurations
2) A 1991 Strategic Defense Initiative Office presentation/transcript on the SDI program
3) A good, clear general arrangement diagram of the North American F-107
4) A CAD diagram of the late 1950’s Convair “Landing boat” that often appeared in presentations (art and models) from Krafft Ehricke
If you are a paid-up Patron/Subscriber, you should by now have received a message with a link to your rewards. If you haven’t, let me know.
 Posted by at 7:56 pm