Aug 062020

Two stories with very different subjects, end up telling the same tale:

Worm Joke Causes Science Twitter Flame War Over Accusations of Sexism and Racism


The Mandalorian Star Gina Carano Accused of Racism for Sharing Historical Anti-Nazi Photo

Both basically boil down to: “The Woke are a bunch of humorless idiots who are so obsessed with finding things to be outraged by that they will happily beclown themselves. Mock them at every opportunity.”


 Posted by at 2:42 pm
Aug 062020

1: The cruise ship Orient Queen was in port opposite the blast… it capsized and sank:

2: A wedding shoot (or at least a photoshoot of the bride) was upended by the blast. Certainly a memorable day…

3: Satellite images of the site, before and after, give an indication of the scale of the event and of the disaster:


 Posted by at 2:27 pm
Aug 042020

I’ve been on a book buying spree these past 8 months or so. I’ve plunked down a *lot* for books on the two aerospace subjects I’m working on my own books of. But in among the piles of aerospace books from Abebooks and Amazon and eBay, there have been a few others that serve no practical purpose beyond “I want it and, what the hell, I’m already throwing this much money away, sooo…..”

One such book that I can heartily recommend is H. P. Lovecraft’s “The Call of Cthulhu.” The thing here is that I bought an illustrated hardback. the illustrator is a French feller name of François Baranger, and I can unironically say that his take on Cthulhu is spectacular and wholeheartedly recommended. The book is available in both English and French translations, and it looks like there is a French language version of “At The Mountains Of Madness,” (a Volume 1 at least, with mentions on his Twitter of a Volume 2 in the works) so it makes sense to assume that an English version will pop up sooner or later. And when it does, I’m’a buy that one too.

You can get the English version HERE.

The French version HERE.
The French version of “At The Mountains of Madness” HERE.

EDIT: Ah, here we go…



 Posted by at 10:47 pm
Aug 042020

After a bunch of failures, a Starship test article flew on up to around 150 meters, translated, popped out some dinky little landing legs, and then (apparently) safely landed itself, though seemingly at a bit of an angle. Woo!

And an official SpaceX video with some more enlightening angles:

 Posted by at 6:20 pm
Aug 042020

Louisville style:

Demand Letter From BLM Activists To Louisville Businesses Lists 5 ‘Repercussions Of Non-Compliance’

The whole multi-page list of demands, including “consequences of failing to bend the knee, are posted HERE.

It’s terribly Orwellian and fascistic with substantial socialist overtones, which should surprise precisely nobody. It will be interesting to see:

1) What percent of businesses in the area bend the knee

2) What happens to those that ignore this

3) What happens to those who post “FU” in their windows.

There is already some forward motion on this. Some Cuban business owners, people who have already experienced the magic and mystery of socialism, have stood up to the bullies.

Cuban Community Rallies Behind NuLu Restaurant After Controversy Over BLM Demands

 Posted by at 5:15 pm
Aug 042020

And it’s about time.


 Posted by at 3:39 pm
Aug 042020

A city in the middle east suffers an explosion? That’s unpossible! Whatever the source… great googaly moogaly, this one was impressive.

It was a port facility that exploded, so there are any number of possibilities. but I’m sure experts will be able to say pretty quickly what the prime suspects are; that red dust/smoke seems like it aught to be a major clue. It *looks* like a nitrogen tetroxide or red fuming nitric acid cloud, but it seems like that quantity of rocket fuel would be an unusual thing to have in a port like that. of course, if someone was illicitly shipping storable rocket propellants through the port, it’s not surprising that something unfortunate just happened to happen to it.


More vids after the break…

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 Posted by at 12:41 pm