Aug 062020

A woman in the Portland area wore a Naughty Party armband within sight of the commies, and they decided to set upon her at her home. Not only do they carry out substantial intimidation tactics (including loud and threatening trespassing), they also physically assaulted her and quite a number of them attempted to permanently blind her. Regardless of what you think about someone wearing an armband like that, trying to blind someone at their own home when they are doing you no harm? Yeah… that *requires* substantial legal repercussions. If those don’t come, then you have to admit that the rule of law, at least in that region, has not just broken down, it’s *gone.*

And if you or someone you know thinks that maiming someone because they wear an armband is acceptable, then prepare for a lot of jackasses wearing Che shirts and Hammer & Sickle insignias to catch paintballs filled with substances more chemically exciting than mere paint.

How would *you* respond to someone intentionally blinding you, your spouse, your children? That’s what Antifa/BLM do. That’s what they *are.*

 Posted by at 8:32 pm