Jul 312020

Granny Karen gets enzapulated. And she friggen’ deserved it.

When the cop says “you’re under arrest,” the correct answer is never “no I’m not” and then you drive away.

BONUS ROUND: I wonder why the woman in this next video is divorced. More seriously, I wonder what the frak the guy at the end of the video is doing associating with her.


 Posted by at 3:33 pm
Jul 312020

Nearly 2/3 of voters say progressive activists will respond with violence if Trump wins reelection


Nearly Half Of Young Americans Say It’s Okay To Fire People Who Support Trump

Forty-four percent of Americans younger than age 30 believe a company is correct in firing an executive because he or she personally donated to President Trump’s reelection campaign.

Which links to:

62% of Americans Say They Have Political Views They’re Afraid to Share

Nearly a third (32%) of employed Americans say they personally are worried about missing out on career opportunities or losing their job if their political opinions became known.

Imagine that. If 40% of Millenials and GenZers think it’s a great idea to fire people for being pro-Trump, it should hardly come as a surprise that a third of the public is afraid for their jobs.

We are most likely in the early stages of the Crazy Years.

 Posted by at 3:12 pm
Jul 302020

When you’re arguing with someone and you don’t want to listen to what they have to say, just say “reclaiming my time” and apparently they are supposed to shut up.

 Posted by at 2:08 am
Jul 282020

Today’s charts from http://91-divoc.com/pages/covid-visualization/:

First, the New Cases Per Day. It does *seem* that after a long slow second pulse, it’s finally starting to turn downwards.

New Deaths Per Day continues to show a slow but clear upwards trend:

And then the strangest one, at least if you proceed from the Accepted Wisdom that the United States is doing a criminally incompetent job of dealing with the pandemic… the Case Fatality Rate. Here, the US remains firmly at the *bottom* of the list. Conclusion: Americans seem to be more likely to contract Commie Cough… and are more likely that anyone to survive it if they get it. Getting the disease seems to be largely on the head of the individual, but surviving it seems to be much more the responsibility of the Evil For Profit Health Care System.


 Posted by at 6:43 pm
Jul 282020

If you are uncertain what sort of person is meant by the recent meme “Karen,” the woman here is one of the most Karenest Karens that ever Karened.

Short form: “You are very slightly inconveniencing me. I shall therefor lose my mind with rage.”

“Karen” seems to call out this kind of woman… but only the white ones. However, the actual “Karen” attitude is universal. Behold this proto-Karen from 2017:

Note the *real* victim in both cases: the boyfriend/husband.

 Posted by at 11:18 am
Jul 272020

In 1964 Fairchild Stratos pitched a number of concepts for converting aircraft into carriers for Saturn rocket stages. One idea was a highly modified Convair B-36; this concept was illustrated in US Transport Projects #4, available HERE. Another was to convert a Lockheed Starliner, the final form of the venerable Constellation line of passenger airliner. This was not as massively modified as the B-36. Here, the Fairchild M-536 had a large aerodynamic “pod” was added to the top that would fit a S-IV stage. The fuselage was lengthened by 15 feet and the central vertical stabilizer was extended.


 Posted by at 9:22 am