Coming soon (click for YouTube trailer links):
Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Face it, the first was *way* better’n it shoulda been. The sequel looks like more of the same… giant robots beating the tar out of each other. If Megatron or Galvatron doesn’t show up, though, I’m’a gonna have to go into Angry Geek Mode.

Inglourious Basterds by Quentin Tarantino. A WWII movie. From the looks of it, Brad Pitt leads a rag-tag group of murderers into Nazi-occupied France with the specific goal of comitting war crimes… torture, mutilation, terrorism. All that good stuff. Now that we’re in the post-Abu Ghraib/post-Gitmo era, where not only has the US government under the enlightened, divinely inspired leadership of Teh One foresworn such activities, but so has everyone else in the world (now that the Islamists and Commies and Dictators love us since we’ve gotten rid of Chimpy McBushitler), it’ll be interesting to see how people (in this case, American Jewish soldiers) who abuse Nazis are treated on-screen. Due out in August.

Cloudy With a Chance of Meatballs: Animated movie. Could be cool. Could be profoundly awful. We’ll see. At least, the “mad scientist” isn’t portrayed as evil this time.

2012: Yes, a movie based on the bullcrap idea that the Aztecs had a calendar that craps out in 2012, thus meaning We’re Doomed. Brought to you by some of the same folks behind Godzilla (a movie based on the bullcrap idea that French nuclear testing would make thousand-foot-long bipedal iguanas ) and The Day After Tomorrow (a movie based on the bullcrap idea that Al Gore isn’t full of bullcrap). Still, while those movies were Dumb with a capital Uuuhhhnnnnngggg, they are guilty-pleasure-entertaining. The trailer for 2012 features a tsunami washing over Mt. Everest. What’s not to like?

Planet 51: Another CG animated flick. A twist on the “invading aliens” concept. Actually looks pretty damned funny (check out the “dog”).