Aug 042020

I’ve been on a book buying spree these past 8 months or so. I’ve plunked down a *lot* for books on the two aerospace subjects I’m working on my own books of. But in among the piles of aerospace books from Abebooks and Amazon and eBay, there have been a few others that serve no practical purpose beyond “I want it and, what the hell, I’m already throwing this much money away, sooo…..”

One such book that I can heartily recommend is H. P. Lovecraft’s “The Call of Cthulhu.” The thing here is that I bought an illustrated hardback. the illustrator is a French feller name of François Baranger, and I can unironically say that his take on Cthulhu is spectacular and wholeheartedly recommended. The book is available in both English and French translations, and it looks like there is a French language version of “At The Mountains Of Madness,” (a Volume 1 at least, with mentions on his Twitter of a Volume 2 in the works) so it makes sense to assume that an English version will pop up sooner or later. And when it does, I’m’a buy that one too.

You can get the English version HERE.

The French version HERE.
The French version of “At The Mountains of Madness” HERE.

EDIT: Ah, here we go…



 Posted by at 10:47 pm