Apr 302019

Not for other children, anyway.

1-year-old girl bitten ‘multiple times’ at day care, school says

Article includes photo of the numerous bite marks left on the kid. Best part of the article is the excuse-making by someone:

Lashawna Goulburne, the mother of the 2-year-old boy who bit Mila, told KGUN that day care staff did not call her after the incident.

He’s not at fault here,” Goulburne said of her son. “He’s 2 and we pay. Not only me, but the other family. We pay for our children to be protected and be monitored and safe.”

Uh-huh. I can think of two people at fault:

1) Lil’ Dickens. Two may be young, but biting people like that is rare for two year olds.

2) Find yourself a mirror, lady. Maybe your baby-raising practices aren’t up to code.

One suspects that in 14 to 16 years or so, the biter here will get into the news once again when he is shot down in the street while assaulting someone with a cinderblock. And we’ll hear “Lashawna” yammering on about how he was a good kid who never hurt anybody, just a gentle soul and never mind those surveillance camera videos that showed him carrying out unspeakable horrors on that Korean grocer. Ground penetrating radar examinations of the families back yard will, I suspect, answer a lot of the neighborhoods questions about what happened to all the missing cats an dogs.

 Posted by at 9:33 pm
Apr 302019

The British establishment is clearly freaked out by the candidacy of Carl Benjamin (“Sargon of Akkad”). Freaked out enough that they print not only smears, not only factually wrong smears, but factually wrong smears that are easily debunked and shown to be an intentional smear campaign. this is not even a matter of subjectivity… this would seem to be a slam-dunk case of libel.


I don’t know what British libel laws are like, but this seems like the sort of thing that, in a rational universe, would result in Sargon of Akkad owning the Daily Mail.


 Posted by at 8:29 pm
Apr 302019

As Venezuela reaches Peak Socialism and mass violence seems to be breaking out, the fighting between Maduro’s Russian-backed forces and those of the legitimate interim President Juan Guaido has slopped over the borders into a new region…

Venezuelans clash with pro-Maduro Code Pink activists in tense scene outside DC embassy

Leave it to Code Pink to support the guy trying to destroy his own country while shipping tons of gold out so he can live the high life elsewhere. Commies gonna commie…


 Posted by at 7:32 pm
Apr 292019

I haven’t had a chance to watch it yet, but if’n yer interested in watching that high school production of “Alien,” here ya go. With bonus Sigourney Weaver:

With luck, they won’t get stomped by Disney. Remember: Disney owns Fox now, so not only is the Alien now a Disney product, but the Alien Queen is a Disney Princess.

 Posted by at 4:46 pm
Apr 292019

The man who terrified synagogue shooter – and ended the attack

The rampage finally ended when Stewart charged the gunman, screaming so loud witnesses say it sounded like a “chorus of four or five men” – a sound so loud a priest at a nearby church heard it. A former army staff sergeant, Stewart served in the US Navy from 1990 to 1994, then enlisted in the Army after the September 11th attacks in 2001, and served in Iraq in 2003.

According to The Daily Caller, which spoke with Stewart and his wife, Stewart rushed the gunman, threatening to kill him.

“Get down!” Stewart screamed. “I’m going to kill you!”

Stewart says he “scared the hell” out of the shooter, forcing him to flee.

“I knew I had to be within five feet of this guy so his rifle couldn’t get to me. So I ran immediately toward him, and I yelled as loud as I could. And he was scared. I scared the hell out of him.”

Here’s the great irony: the genetic defective who thought it was a neato-keen idea to kill a bunch of Jews for the greater glory of the white race was chased away like a little b!tch by a Jewish feller who was a *far* better berserker than he would ever be.


Stewart said he chased him all the way out to his car and began pounding on it — the shooter had managed to lock himself in. When Stewart saw him reach for a rifle, he punched the side of the car as hard as he could, intending to figure out a way to drag him out of the car. That’s when a Border Patrol agent who attends the synagogue came running out to the parking lot, yelling for Stewart to get down because he had a gun.

Stewart says this man may have saved his life and pointed to his use of a civilian’s gun as evidence that gun control isn’t the answer to these kinds of tragedies. Stewart was off-duty and was apparently handed the weapon by someone else on the scene.

Now… here’s hoping it doesn’t turn out that this guy is making this story up. In the era of Hillary dodging sniper fire and Smollett and whatever Trump is on about today, ya gotta have some skepticism regarding any tales that don’t come equipped with video evidence.


 Posted by at 12:40 pm
Apr 292019

As with pretty much all jetliners, the 747 has seen its fuselage stretched (and shortened) to adjust the number of passengers and other payload it can carry. But as stretched as it has been, there were plans for much more extravagant changes. In the early 1970s there were plans in place for not only fuselage stretches by way of inserting lengthening plugs, but also by stretching the upper deck much further aft, turning it into a true double-decker. As the diagram below shows, for shorter routes the passenger count count be bumped up to 1000. keep in ind that this was using 1971-era seating; with modern 21st century passenger-packing technology, who knows haw many human bodies could have been stuffed into these planes, ready to be driven mad by booze, low oxygen, screaming babies and deep vein thrombosis.

 Posted by at 7:26 am
Apr 282019

A little while back the most vacuous of the current crop of congresscritters engaged in some fantasy role-play where she pretended to be a future version of herself extolling the virtues of the world accepting and enacting her Green New Deal policies. Even without the most basic surface understanding of just how nutty her ideas are, it was painful to watch as any “the world will come to understand and celebrate my greatness” self-congratulatory piece of self-insertion sci-fi literature would be.

But then you actually analyze the details and, man, this thing is stooooopid.

 Posted by at 5:59 pm
Apr 282019

I finally got around to stitching together photos I’ve taken since October. I’ll be posting some reduced-rez versions over the next little while, because why not. If anything is interesting, let me know. The dates the photos were taken are in the filenames.

Looking south near Brigham City.

A couple sunset shots from Thatcher, Utah.


 Posted by at 5:17 pm