Jan 052021

This is *spectacular.*

A Student Mob Took Over Bryn Mawr. The College Said Thank You

Seems to me, there are a bunch of parents who should be demanding their money back. There are a bunch of students who should be out on their ear, loaded with student debt and without even their useless degrees. And there are a bunch of staffers who should get to explore exciting new opportunities in the food service industry. Sell the college to some other educational concern, one actually interested in *education.* One that will say “We value your opinion” to student agitators, who will calmly take down their names and then calmly escort them off campus.


 Posted by at 1:13 am
Dec 212020

I honestly wonder what practical value there is in the White House putting out memos on national strategy at this point, when the Manchurian is soon to be installed into power. Perhaps it’s just a poke in the eye… “go ahead and overturn this and show yourself to be a tool of the ChiComs,” perhaps?

Memorandum on the National Strategy for Space Nuclear Power and Propulsion (Space Policy Directive-6)

Section 1. Policy. The ability to use space nuclear power and propulsion (SNPP) systems safely, securely, and sustainably is vital to maintaining and advancing United States dominance and strategic leadership in space. SNPP systems include radioisotope power systems (RPSs) and fission reactors used for power or propulsion in spacecraft, rovers, and other surface elements. …

(a) Develop uranium fuel processing capabilities that enable production of fuel that is suitable to lunar and planetary surface and in-space power, nuclear electric propulsion (NEP), and nuclear thermal propulsion (NTP) applications, as needed. …

(b) Demonstrate a fission power system on the surface of the Moon that is scalable to a power range of 40 kilowatt-electric (kWe) and higher to support a sustained lunar presence and exploration of Mars. …

(c) Establish the technical foundations and capabilities — including through identification and resolution of the key technical challenges — that will enable options for NTP to meet future Department of Defense (DoD) and National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) mission requirements …

(d) Develop advanced RPS capabilities that provide higher fuel efficiency, higher specific energy, and longer operational lifetime than existing RPS capabilities, thus enabling survivable surface elements to support robotic and human exploration of the Moon and Mars and extending robotic exploration of the solar system. …

(a) By the mid-2020s, develop uranium fuel processing capabilities that enable production of fuel that is suitable for lunar and planetary surface and in-space power, NEP, and NTP applications, as needed. …

(b) By the mid- to late-2020s, demonstrate a fission power system on the surface of the Moon that is scalable to a power range of 40 kWe and higher to support sustained lunar presence and exploration of Mars. …

(c) By the late-2020s, establish the technical foundations and capabilities — including through identification and resolution of the key technical challenges — that will enable NTP options to meet future DoD and NASA mission needs.


Even had Trump won re-election I have serious doubts that this memorandum would have changed things much… the anti-nuclear religion is far too powerful. Still, better to have a forward-thinking document like this than not. We are *generations* behind where we should be in the development of space-based nuclear power systems and nuclear thermal rockets.

 Posted by at 1:18 pm
Dec 082020

When Netflix released the cringeworthy “Cuties” to critical acclaim from the perverts on the cultural Left, a lot of people decided that they had better things to spend their money on. So now that a whole bunch of people on the right/conservative/sane side of the aisle bailed from their platform in protest and disgust, Netflix releases a movie that apparently tells an important conservative story. It’s conservative enough that the critics have decided to try to bury it.


Good job, Netflix.

The Wikipedia entry on the autobiographical book the movie is based on includes this:

Alongside his personal history, Vance raises questions such as the responsibility of his family and people for their own misfortune. Vance blames hillbilly culture and its supposed encouragement of social rot. Comparatively, he feels that economic insecurity plays a much lesser role. To lend credence to his argument, Vance regularly relies on personal experience. As a grocery store checkout cashier, he watched welfare recipients talk on cell phones although the working Vance could not afford one. His resentment of those who seemed to profit from poor behavior while he struggled, especially combined with his values of personal responsibility and tough love, is presented as a microcosm of the reason for Appalachia’s overall political swing from strong Democratic Party to strong Republican affiliations. Likewise, he recounts stories intended to showcase a lack of work ethic including the story of a man who quit after expressing dislike over his job’s hours and posted to social media about the “Obama economy”, as well as a co-worker, with a pregnant girlfriend, who would skip work.

Huh. I think it might be worth a look. The book, that is. Netflix is no longer on my TV.


 Posted by at 6:08 pm
Nov 022020

If a politician promises to do wonderful things for you, to do the things you want him to do… it’s safe to disbelieve him. When the politician promises to *harm* you, you’re well advised to take him at his word.

“Assault weapons” here means the AR-15, the most popular rifle in America. “High capacity” magazines mean “standard capacity” magazines used not only in AR-15’s but in most common pistols. Joe Biden wants to make tens of millions of Americans instant felons. he wants to enact laws that will, if he could Thanos-snap his reality into existence, lead to an increase in violent crime. And in the real world, he’d drag the US miles closer to an all-out civil war. He wants a million Ruby Ridges, to replay the Battle of Concord and have the Redcoats win.

Tomorrow will be interesting.

 Posted by at 9:55 pm
Oct 202020

It’s views like this that make it clear that we have a problem in this country:

The Constitution Is the Crisis

For the author, one Osita Nwanevu, the fact that the Constitution doesn’t give him everything he wants, exactly the way he wants it, is enough for him to stamp his feet and demand that it be done away with:

The American left should work toward abolishing the Constitution someday—either for a new document or a new democratic order without a written constitution.

Uh-huh. He makes it plain that his goal would be court packing and the destruction of the Constitution specifically to make it impossible for the Republican party and conservatives in general not only to hold a majority, but to even *exist.* A nation that sets up a government specifically to lord it over half the population, and decided to unencumber itself with constitutional rules, is a nation on the road to death camps.

If it is given the opportunity, the Democratic Party—without hesitation, guilt, or apology—should pack the Supreme Court to its advantage.

So who is this guy? Frak if I know. Some crank of no real power or importance, quite possibly. But the “New Republic” magazine pays him to trot out his gibberish, and the New Republic is, sadly, not considered far beyond the pale.

 Posted by at 1:44 pm
Oct 142020

If this story is true, it *should* end not only Biden’s Presidential run, but perhaps also his time as a man not in federal prison. But it seems almost too good to be true… a hard drive filled with incriminating emails and such just left at a computer repair shop. But then, if the kid involved is some drug addled moron… well, stranger things have happened.

Smoking-gun email reveals how Hunter Biden introduced Ukrainian businessman to VP dad

Strangely, Gropey Joe isn’t tackling this revelation head-on, but for some reason seems to be ducking it:

BREAKING: Joe Biden Calls a Lid and Hides in His Basement After Explosive Revelations From Hunter Biden’s Recovered Hard Drive

 Posted by at 6:02 pm
Oct 092020

I saw a commercial a little while ago where Gropey Joe said something along the lines that he will only raise taxes on people making more than $400,000 per year. But as mentioned yesterday, he wants to make rifles and standard capacity magazines NFA items. This means that you will need to pay a tax on each one of these that you own. And that tax is $200. Per item.

Do you have an AR-15 with three magazines? That’s a $200 tax on a $500 rifle… and a $200 tax on a $12 magazine, times three. You owe the government $800. But do you also have a Glock with a half dozen magazines? That’s an extra $1200 for the magazines. Maybe you also have an AK-47 clone with a dozen mags. You now owe a further $2600. Maybe you have a Beretta with six mags. That’s another $1200. That’s an extra $5,800 you owe, just for the privilege of exercising a Constitutional right.

Maybe you’re an enthusiastic collector. You have a dozen rifles, each with forty magazines. This is not so many for someone willing to buy a gun a year, say. But you now owe the government $98,400. Otherwise it’s ten years in a Federal prison.

Biden/Harris: not even once.

 Posted by at 2:03 pm
Sep 252020

We’re Raising Our Daughter Gender-Neutral, but She Only Wants Pink Dresses

Where did we mess up?

Great googaly moogaly. Where did you mess up? In thinking that humans are gender neutral. We’re not.

Where did you mess up? When you listened to the crazed lunatics who think that girls aren’t necessarily girls and that boys aren’t necessarily boys. They *are,* with a tiny fraction falling outside the norm. The numbers only get bumped up when children are taught to not just ignore reality but to defy it, that two plus two equals five and that the patriarchy is the enemy.

 Posted by at 7:16 pm
Sep 202020

BLM/Antifa is now taking to assaulting gays and Mexicans because of course they are.

Videos: BLM Trespassed A Private Property Last Night And Attacked A Gay Mexican Veteran And His Boyfriend

Anybody know what the laws are regarding megaphones in private neighborhoods? Is it legally assault if someone starts blatting their nonsense through a bullhorn right in your ear?

 Posted by at 10:59 am