Apr 022022

So a security guard sees two suspicious characters head into a convenience store, decides to follow them in. As he approaches the door, he sees them climbing over the counter, sticking a gun in the clerks face. So the guard mosey’s on in, *promptly* shoots the bad guy with the gun, then plugs the other bad guy for good measure. And then he drops the sort of one liners Hollywood *wishes* they could write:

Bad Guy 1: “It’s fake! It’s fake!” (they used a fake pistol for the robbery)

Guard: “Oh well. Mine’s is real.”

Bad Guy Two: “Am I shot?”

Guard: “Oh ᚠᚪᛣᚳ yeah.”


 Posted by at 9:28 am
Apr 012022

… but I understand.

Now Putin can bleat and whine about those awful, awful Ukrainians attacking Russia. Putin will be forced to respond/escalate.

That said, alternate take: this was done to *make* Russia retaliate, to throw more bodies into the war effort. Why might this be a good idea for the Ukrainians? The war so far has been so monstrously incompetent that it’s a safe bet that the retaliation for this will be even more filled with unthinkery and dumbassery, leaping into the fire without making the least bit of a plan. If the Ukrainians planned this far ahead, the Russians might dump a buttload of troops and equipment directly into a big woodchipper made of RPGs, Javelins, Stingers, NLAW and snipers.

More likely, thought, some Ukrainians just got pissed off and took their shot.

 Posted by at 7:13 pm
Apr 012022

Some good news.

Buddy the cat officially upgraded to stable condition

Still no identification of the two responsible. This is likely due to them being juveniles, what with the judicial system erroneously believing that there’s some fundamental shift that happens when someone magically flips from “child” to “adult.” Even if these people cannot be help to account by the legal system, I would think it advisable for the public to be made aware of who they are so as to keep their pets, children and *jobs* away from them.

Once they are pout of whatever slap-on-the-wrist imprisonment they’ll get, they should be strongly encouraged to travel the world and never come back.

 Posted by at 2:26 am
Mar 312022

One where the sort of toys you can buy at WalMart or Best Buy can help you dial in your mortar gunnery:

Mortars aren’t my field of specialization, so I’m curious about the little cloth bags they’re tying to the mortar rounds. My *guess* is that these are smoke charges of some kind to help the drone spot where they’re landing?



Bonus: Now it can be told… the reason why Putin is in such a foul mood.

 Posted by at 8:14 pm