Apr 042022

Oberlin College sounds like a terrible place to send your kid… unless you don’t much care for your kid and you’re making ’em pay their own way. Oberlin has popped up in this blog before (like HERE and HERE) for the wokeness of some of their idiot students, but the big story was from 2016: some students decided to rob Gibson’s Bakery. They were caught in the process, and since the thieves were of a protected class, students made up charges against the bakery and began to protest. But what was legally actionable about the story is that element of the student government and school administration actively aided in libeling the bakery and attempted to financially harm them. The bakery sued the school for damages and won; the school appealed the multi-million dollar judgement and just lost:

Oberlin College Loses $31M Appeal

There don’t seem to be too many options left for the school now but to either declare bankruptcy or write a check. Eithers good, though of course the best outcome would be that they write the check, the check gets cashed and the bakery gets their funds in full, and *then* the school goes bankrupt and then gets bought by, say, Elon Musk who proceeds to turn it from a “liberal arts” school into a “STEM Colonialism” school. Students are selected solely based on their merit, and their focus is on the hard sciences, math and engineering, specifically for the purpose of training the next generation of colonizers and exploiters who will go out into space and culturally appropriate the Moon, Mars and asteroids. Very few of the current staff or administrators would seem to be worth carrying forward.

That, I suppose, is unlikely. But a man can dream.

 Posted by at 8:08 pm