Apr 042022

Satellite images from March 19th show bodies laying in the streets of Russian-occupied Bucha. The Russians decamped from Bucha March 30, so it seems that they killed civilians in the streets and left them there for at least 11 days. That’s just *strange.*

Bucha is on the outskirts of Kyiv, near Hostomel Airport, final resting place of the AN 225 Mriya. Seems the Russian forces enjoy killing things and just leaving them there to rot. One of the photos in the article shows a woman holding a cat walking past two bodies… said to be those of her husband and her brother. Numerous other photos of bodies, included mass graves seen from both ground level and from space. Kinda hard to hide this sort of thing these days.

Satellite images show bodies lay in Bucha for WEEKS – disproving Russia’s wild claims that more than 400 corpses were brought in AFTER Putin’s troops left the Ukrainian town in a massive hoax

 Posted by at 8:48 pm