Oct 192021

Student at ultra-liberal $80,000-a-year Oberlin College complains that contractors hired to install radiators in ‘women and trans safe space’ dorm rooms were ‘cisgender men’

Wow. *He* is upset that men installed a radiator in his room. Because there are just so many women in the radiator installation field, I guess?

You can read this delicate snowflake’s editorial here:

Male Workers Allowed Into Baldwin, Unsettling Residents

And if you think this idjit is alone in being an Oberlin idjit, allow me to introduce you to:

Why Must International Students Assimilate?

Where someone with the name of “Aishwarya Krishnaswamy” complains about:

When I introduce myself to people, I often receive a “You don’t expect me to say that, right?” in reference to my name. When I went with my friends to Walmart and struggled in the self-checkout counter — having been to Walmart no more than five times in my entire life — my friends were impatient and uncomfortable, slowly skirting away from me. When I sit in conversations laden with American-centric references, I reach a point where tuning out the conversation is easier than asking for the 10th time, “What does that mean?” I’ve even walked into my professor’s office hours and introduced myself, only to have them ask, “Do you have a shorter name?”

And then the absolute topper on the cake of woke idiocy and self-important privilege:

As a foreigner here, I am eager to learn aspects of this new culture, but I refuse to do that at the cost of my identity. Two years ago, it was not easy to brush away subtle acts of “othering,” such as exclusively conversing in American references — on cinema, music, politics, sports, etc. — or mocking me for not doing things the “right” way, not realizing that what happens in this country is just a way, not the way, of doing things. I am a third-year now, and not one thing has changed.

Holy shit, dude. You came to a completely different country and surrounded yourself – of your own free will – with people from that other country. And you’re cheesed off that they converse about *their* culture? you’re PO’ed that Americans in America see the American way of doing things as the right way of doing things? Ummm… what do you call Americans who go to *your* homeland and bitch about the way things are done there?

I have high hopes that that pendulum will swing back, sooner rather than later. With that swing will come the acceptance that some people are just crazy; they deserve our sympathy, our help and hospitalization, but society does not deserve to have their increasingly bizarre and unreality-based  desires foisted upon it.

 Posted by at 4:12 pm