Apr 062022

Normally mass shootings are the sort of news stories that have not only media but politicians and celebrities falling all over themselves and each other to bleat and strut. But the recent event in Sacramento that killed six? Yes, it’s pretty much gone. I wonder why that might possibly be.

Sacramento mass shooting suspect released from prison early weeks before tragedy, has violent past

He was sentenced to 10 years in 2018 for for domestic violence and assault with great bodily injury

Let’s do the math on that. Sentenced to ten years in 2018. January 2018 plus ten years is… hmmm… carry the two… ah, yes, released in February 2022.

He was a felon who was not legally allowed to have a firearm, never mind the illegally modified fully automatic firearm he actually had. The story is less a “boo hoo, we need more gun control” story and more a “maybe if we locked these monsters away for anything like how long they’re supposed to be locked away for, they won’t be out here doing this.” But we’re in the era of “defund the police” and “abolish the prisons,” so… kinda unfortunate narrative this story came with. Plus, kinda difficult to pin this one on Orange Man Bad or white supremacy. But I’m sure we’ll see some wild flailings for just that soon enough… if the story is remembered at all in another day or two.

This fine upstanding gentleman has a long record of violent criminality. A sane society would have permanently separated him from the rest of humanity long ago, but oh no, some geniuses decided it would be best to release him back out onto the streets to terrorize the citizenry. I’m getting to be more and more of the opinion that those responsible for signing for early release should be held responsible for the behavior of those they let go.



 Posted by at 10:37 pm