Nov 232011

It has become a common joke that cable channels meant for a particular niche are slipping. MTV used to show music videos, for example. SyFy used to be Sci-Fi… before they started showing wrestling and morons chasing ghosts. And the History Channel used to be about History… and now they show Ancient Aliens (as South Park recently lampooned). So at least theoretically, I shouldn’t be too surprised to see non-discovery-type-stuff on the Discovery Channel. But even so, I got a bit of a shock a few minutes ago.

There I was, minding my own business, working on an article describing a 1960’s hypersonic test vehicle project, with the TV on as background noise. I turned on the guide to see if anything might be on worth watching… and about crapped myself when I saw this listing:

Yeah, it’s a photo of the TV screen. Not a screenshot or a link to a website. So sue me. But the thing to notice… what the hell is showing on the Discovery Channel after “Mythbusters?”

Peter Popoff. Peter friggen’ Popoff. With this intellectual nightmare of a show:

In case you are not familiar with Peter Popoff, he’s a televangelist who claims psychic powers. Psychic powers that, it turns out, come via radio transmitters, as James Randi showed years ago. This sort of rubbish is the precise antithesis of what the Discovery Channel is *supposed* to show.

Now, it looks pretty clear to me that what’s actually happening here is that at 1AM the Discovery Channel runs out of programming, and the channel is given over to paid infomercials.  But whoever is selling this space on the Discovery Channel really needs to do a bit more due diligence. Some salesman hawking worthless consumer items is one thing. Some proven charlatan hawking anti-science should be kept as far from the Discovery Channel as possible.

More on Popoff:

[youtube SNl52deOZro]

[youtube bgW5gTp4bnM]


 Posted by at 10:47 pm
Nov 232011

As names for carnival rides go, “Cyclone” seems an obvious one. And probably an overused one, along with “Hurricane,” and “Tornado” and whatnot. So it would make sense that carnival owners would change things up by giving their rides the expected sort of name, but in a foreign language.

Sometimes, though, that’s not such a swift idea. Like, say, a carnival in Florida, which has a high percentage of Jewish citizens, and a fair number of Holocaust survivors. Not the best place to use the *German* word for “Cyclone:”


If you’ve got any knowledge of history, that word is juuuuuuuust a little creepifyin.’

Broward fair ride shares name with Holocaust poison gas


 Posted by at 9:07 pm
Nov 232011

From a 1968 LTV report on a hypersonic test vehicle: a projection of the speeds of aircraft in the future. At the time, it was thought that by the late 1980’s passenger transports would be cruising along at Mach 3 to Mach 4; fighters and bomber would cruise at Mach 5 to Mach 8; and research aircraft would get to Mach 12 to Mach 16.

And it turned out, all three categories of aircraft actually slowed down.

 Posted by at 7:54 pm
Nov 232011

As a bit of an antidote to yesterdays news about Scruffy, here are a few more photos of the little black fluffy kitten from a few days back. I figured that since Buttons was such a friendly cat he’d like the kitten… but the kitten spit at him, and he didn’t want much to do with it after that.

 Posted by at 1:30 pm
Nov 222011

Today , before things went to hell when I got home, I was looking around an office supply store for… ummm… office supplies. Specifically, inkjet business cards. I’m making a few desultory attempts to sell a few of my photo prints, and I’ve printed out a number of business cards using some of my photos as backgrounds. Yay.

I noticed that along with 2X3.5 business cards, also available are postcards, 4.25X5.5, and plain cardstock. And for no readily apparent reason I flashed back to when I was a kid, lo these many long years ago. In those days long before the interweb tubes, I had a few collections of  “trading card” type informational… things. Not really sure what to call ’em. One was a box of cards each showing a photo and providing info on one of a vast number of animals (dinosaurs included), and another that had cards on various airplanes, tanks, etc.

It dawned on me that the same desktop publishing that lets me crank out my own business cards would allow me to produce “trading cards” of, say, aerospace projects. Art/photo on one side, a small 3-view & data on the other side.

I have little doubt that such a thing – especially with the data available to me today – would have sold well back when I was a kid. But sadly, I suspect that the market for them *today* would be minimal at best.

Irony. Now that I have the technical capability of doing something, the reason for doing so has evaporated.

 Posted by at 11:48 pm
Nov 222011

Those in power should be reminded at every opportunity that they are *not* special, that they have no special rights, and that the respect they are owed is, well, “not much.” I’m unfamiliar with the players in this little drama, but I applaud Dr. Brinkley for showing politicians here almost no respect.

[youtube a6CpvU-DzxE]

 Posted by at 9:24 pm
Nov 222011

I’ve noticed over the last two or three days that Scruffy was kinda lethargic, and not that interested in eating. I didn’t see him last night or this morning, when I left to go to Logan to take care of some things. When I got home late in the afternoon, he should have come running at the sound of the garage door opening, but he didn’t. I found him laying against the side of the garage, virtually unresponsive. I got him to the vet clinic just in time to watch him die.

Vet suggested that he had leukemia or AIDS of some such which trashed his immune system, and when it started snowing a few days ago, some  disease came along and knocked the crap out of him.

This was not how this cat was supposed to go out. I was supposed to come home to find the yard littered with the shredded corpses of wolves and pit bulls, with one gore-covered cat sitting in the midst of it, peacefully fading away with a Cheshire smile. He was supposed to go out fighting, goddamnit, not crying pitifully in pain, stiff with cold.

Well, with any luck right now he’s raising hell in heaven.

This was not how I’d hoped the day would go.

 Posted by at 6:38 pm
Nov 212011

A few days ago, some “dirty hippies” got pepper sprayed by a “fascist pig” out at UC-Davis. The irony, of course, is that those being pepper sprayed were basically protesting in favor of embiggened government… which the overly enthusiastic pepper spraying cop is a pretty basic symbol of.


Behold the new hotness of internet memes:


 Posted by at 7:08 pm