Nov 222011

I’ve noticed over the last two or three days that Scruffy was kinda lethargic, and not that interested in eating. I didn’t see him last night or this morning, when I left to go to Logan to take care of some things. When I got home late in the afternoon, he should have come running at the sound of the garage door opening, but he didn’t. I found him laying against the side of the garage, virtually unresponsive. I got him to the vet clinic just in time to watch him die.

Vet suggested that he had leukemia or AIDS of some such which trashed his immune system, and when it started snowing a few days ago, some  disease came along and knocked the crap out of him.

This was not how this cat was supposed to go out. I was supposed to come home to find the yard littered with the shredded corpses of wolves and pit bulls, with one gore-covered cat sitting in the midst of it, peacefully fading away with a Cheshire smile. He was supposed to go out fighting, goddamnit, not crying pitifully in pain, stiff with cold.

Well, with any luck right now he’s raising hell in heaven.

This was not how I’d hoped the day would go.

 Posted by at 6:38 pm

  17 Responses to “Damnit, Scruffy…”

  1. My sympathies on the loss of your pet. May the hurt pass quickly.

  2. I am so sorry. My thoughts are with you, Scott.

  3. Scruffy was an outdoor, more-or-less-feral, cat. As such, his expected lifespan was low… and he lasted longer than I expected. I’m just saddened that he didn’t get to go out fightin’… he woulda wanted it that way.

    I’m also saddened by the fact that his death was *really* sad. He cried. Aaaaaarrrrrrrrgh.

  4. I’m sad to hear this. I do think he likely did not go to heaven. He went to visit Lucifer and kick his ass for letting him go out the way he did. I’m sure when Ole Satan heard he was coming he got more then a little worried. 🙂

    • > He went to visit Lucifer and kick his ass…


      At the vet, I finally got a good look inside Scruffy’s mouth. I’d known that one of his fangs was busted… but it turns out they were *all* busted, or at least badly ground down. I think he liked to bite rocks, or chase down, catch and chew on armored vehicles.

  5. Poor guy. He deserved better.

    Hell, we all do.

  6. I’m so sorry for your loss….

  7. I’m sorry….

  8. {Sorry, I ‘double-posted’. I thought the first comment didn’t u/l. Damn notsosmartphone….}

  9. that a sad news

  10. I am so sorry. As another person who takes care of cats who refuse to be tame, I know how hard this can be.

  11. RIP, Scruffy…:'(

  12. It’s not fair–I know. I had a cat at work years back that would climb on the car, walk in the car window and get in my lap to go to sleep. She got run over by a forklift somehow.

  13. Reminds me of losing John Wayne to cancer, RIP Scruffy.

  14. My condolences to you.

    I lost a cat to feline AIDS. We put him down to end his suffering but he was a good cat. Lost another one to cancer. I hope there is a cat heaven, at least.

    The only time I ever saw my sister cry is when she lost her cat who got hit by a car. Her cat was probably trying to catch the car.

    • Sorry.

      “I think he liked to bite rocks, or chase down, catch and chew on armored vehicles.”


      • He was a truly badass cat. But like other badass cats, such as John Wayne and General Patton, he died in a way that was Just Not Right. Sometimes fate’s a bitch.

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