Nov 212011

I’ve heard it said that the most effective way to turn a Christian into an atheist is to get them to read the Bible. Obviously not exactly 100% effective. But here might be the fastest way to make an atheist:


 Posted by at 7:31 pm

  7 Responses to “How to make an atheist”

  1. Amusing.

    According to friends of mine who’ve worked tables before what’s just as bad as this are European tourists who are all like “We don’t tip where we come from and stiffing you out of a chunk of your income isn’t our problem! You should vote for better labour laws if you actually want to get paid!”

    I’ve managed to avoid working in the resturant industry, not even having the ‘traditional’ 16-year-old-at-McDonnalds sumer job and I’d like to keep it that way…

    • He should retort that if they don’t want high unemployment, they should repeal some of those regulations and allow young people to actually find work. Granted, this will not exactly make them want to cough up the tip… but he’ll feel better 🙂

  2. Very bad witnessing there.

  3. What put me off was the woman who was soooooo happy that Jesus wrote in English.

    • “If the King James Version was good enough for the Apostles, it’s good enough for me!”

      Some years ago I worked at a company in which a Foursquare Gospel fundamentalist and a proselytzing atheist occupied adjacent offices. They used to have the most interesting lunchtime discussions …

      The fundamentalist’s sect was one that held that every single word of the King James Version of the Bible was directly inspired by God … right down to the typos and inconsistencies. It was interesting and instructive (although frustrating after a while) to analyze the fellow’s thought patterns. They were mostly of the form: “I believe it because it’s true. I know it’s true because it’s in the Bible. It’s in the Bible because God said it. God said it because it’s true. I believe it because it’s true. I know it’s true because it’s in the Bible. …”

      • Ah, but the guys who did the King James translation never claimed anything like that; just that they did the best job they could with what they had to work with. A lot of the KJVs published today leave out the translators’ preface.

        • I’m partial to the New English Bible, m’self. It is authorized by the same people who did the KJV, that is, the Church of England. The Baptists and Methodists of Britain also approved of it.

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