Jun 162011

Now available: Justo Miranda & Paula Mercado present Reichdreams Dossier No. 21: “FW190 Extreme.” This issue includes advanced versions of the WWII German Focke-Wulf FW190 fighter. Includes engine studies (piston, turbojet and ramjet), armament studies (guns, cannon, upward-firing weapons, a range of guided and unguided air-to-surface and air-to-air missiles, glide bombs, cruise missiles), alternate wing planforms, ejector seats, avionics and even parasite fighters!

This issue contains more than 80 pages of technical diagrams, many in 1/72 or 1/48 scale. Yours to download for only $20! You can also buy it in printed form through MagCloud. Check out the MagCloud page for a higher-resolution “preview” of the issue and to buy a high-qaulity printed and bound edition for $30.60.

Be sure to check out the other issues in the Reichdreams Dossiers series.

 Posted by at 12:18 am
Jun 152011

Constellation program officially terminated:

Memo Marks Official End of Constellation

Unclear as yet what will happen to the  Space Launch System (formerly Ares V) and Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle (formerly the Orion capsule) programs. Hopefully the commercial ventures such as Falcon 9/Dragon will succeed and fill the gap; otherwise, the US is finished as a spacefaring nation.

 Posted by at 2:02 pm
Jun 152011

Recently, the “DIRECT Launcher Group” of launch vehicle designers presented their concept for (among other things) “Leviathan,” a sea launched heavy lift two stage launch vehicle. Leviathan is a hydrogen/oxygen vehicle using annular aerospike engines for both stages for altitude compensation. With a gross liftoff weight of 8,861,460 pounds/4,019,491 kg, payload delivered to a 160 nautical mile circular orbit at 29 degrees inclination is 129,287 kg/285,030 pounds. The claimed cost? $60 million per launch, or $429 per kilogram (compared with $34,836/kg for the Shuttle). Eight launchers per year are foreseen.

The Leviathan would be floated out into the ocean, filled with propellant, righted and launched directly from the water; both stages would be recoverable.


See the two PDF files for more info & graphics.



I will bypass the merits of the concept of a super heavy lifter in the current launch market or of this specific design (see discussion HERE), and simply point out the historical precedent. Leviathan follows in the footsteps of the Aerojet “Sea Dragon” design from 1963. Sea Dragon also launched from the surface of the ocean and was a two-stage “tube” launch vehicle. However, that’s about the end of the similarity. Sea Dragon was intended to be rock-simple, made out of inches-thick aluminum by the same techniques and laborers who built ships. It was a pressure-fed design, which meant relatively low performance but also design simplicity. But most importantly, Sea Dragon was intended to capture the launch market that NASA foresaw for the 1970’s and 1980’s, from the vantage point of 1962-63. A market filled with space stations, Moon bases, Mars bases, missions to Venus, the asteroids, Jupiter and beyond. To service this market, Sea Dragon had a payload of 550,000 kilograms. Coupling the high payload weight to the modest performance and relativley crude structural design led to a truly huge rocket design. In comparison, Leviathan, which is far larger than any launch vehicles currently  seriously contemplated (assuming of course that Ares V is well and truly dead), is a pipsqueak.

The 1960’s dreamed bigger than we do.

Note to self: the Sea Dragon diagram shown at the Wikipedia page, as well as elsewhere online, is the one that I patched together and cleaned up *years* ago for Aerospace Projects Review. I *really* should have tagged it with my web address or something…

 Posted by at 12:47 pm
Jun 152011

Every now and then I glance through the spam bucket, because every now and then in amongst the mountain of spam there are actual honest comments that the software has decided are spam. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of rhyme nor reason to some of them… sometimes comments from well-established commenters who *haven’t* been banned get dumped in the spambucket for no reason I can determine. So if you are posting comments and they are not appearing, go ahead and send me an email.

When I see these, I fish ’em out of the spambucket. But spam commenting comes in waves… there will be days with hundreds of messages, and there will be days at a stretch with only one or two.

In the meantime… here’s Buttons looking badass.

 Posted by at 12:08 pm
Jun 152011

Anyone with any training or education in the hard sciences cringes when Hollywood tries to be “sciency.” Movies like “The Core” and “The Day After Tomorrow” present truly urk-worthy scientific gibberish that may well sound good to the scientifically illiterate. However, this is Hollywood, and one hopes that the people paying their money to see the movies understand that they are just entertainment, and don’t try to base their lives or political policies on the gibberish they’re fed.

Sadly, Hollywood isn’t the only group of people in the business of making stuff up who have decided to incorporate a gibberishized version of science into their fiction for the purposes of fooling the masses. Example:

Creationism creeps into mainstream geology

Note… that’s not saying that Creationism is creeping into mainstream geology by way of doing actual science and presenting well-reasoned analysis for peer review. No, they show up at geology conferences and lead  “tours” for the faithful (or laymen interested ina  geology tour and unaware of who the Creationists actually are) of areas of geological interest, and spout sciency-sounding falsehoods in support of their claims.

Read the article. It’s not only interesting reading, it’s also instructive in the use of deception and propaganda. If the Creationists involved actually believed the science backed up their claims, they wouldn’t resort to sneaky and underhanded tactics to try to deceive people. Or then… maybe they would anyway. At this stage in human history, to believe that the Earth was *poofed* into existence 4,000 years after Göbekli Tepe was built requires either a complete rejection of every branch of modern hard science, or a belief that whatever god was responsible was some kind of jackass trickster. It is of course a possibility that the creations of certain religions were the greatest pranks Loki ever pulled.

10,000 years my shiny metal ass…

 Posted by at 1:58 am
Jun 142011

Scientists predict rare ‘hibernation’ of sunspots

According to three studies released in the United States on Tuesday, experts believe the familiar sunspot cycle may be shutting down and heading toward a pattern of inactivity unseen since the 17th century. …  Experts are now probing whether this period of inactivity could be a second Maunder Minimum, which was a 70-year period when hardly any sunspots were observed between 1645-1715, a period known as the “Little Ice Age.”

On the one hand, the article compares the theorized coming solar slowdown to the Little Ice Age; on the other hand, the article says that nothing of the kind will happen, thanks to evil Republicans and their SUV’s.

Another article on the same topic:


Ice skating on the Thames by 2025?

 Posted by at 9:46 pm