Scientists predict rare ‘hibernation’ of sunspots
According to three studies released in the United States on Tuesday, experts believe the familiar sunspot cycle may be shutting down and heading toward a pattern of inactivity unseen since the 17th century. … Experts are now probing whether this period of inactivity could be a second Maunder Minimum, which was a 70-year period when hardly any sunspots were observed between 1645-1715, a period known as the “Little Ice Age.”
On the one hand, the article compares the theorized coming solar slowdown to the Little Ice Age; on the other hand, the article says that nothing of the kind will happen, thanks to evil Republicans and their SUV’s.
Another article on the same topic:
Ice skating on the Thames by 2025?
4 Responses to “Yay! We’re Doooooomed!!!”
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Yeah the last time the sun did things like this was just before the little ice age started. Take that global warming fans – the ice comes for you!!!
Al Gore Was Wrong ?!? The inventor of the Internet can’t be ….incorrect…..
AS Glen Reynolds pointed out over on “Instapundit”, shades of “Fallen Angels” and/or “The Last Centruion”. What’s scary is that a lot of the precursor events for both novels do appear to be occurring.
Quick! Someone needs to build an SSTO so Gary Hudson can hide it.