Jun 152011

Constellation program officially terminated:

Memo Marks Official End of Constellation

Unclear as yet what will happen to the  Space Launch System (formerly Ares V) and Multi-Purpose Crew Vehicle (formerly the Orion capsule) programs. Hopefully the commercial ventures such as Falcon 9/Dragon will succeed and fill the gap; otherwise, the US is finished as a spacefaring nation.

 Posted by at 2:02 pm

  4 Responses to “He’s dead, Jim”

  1. There was a NASA engineer in a class I took a few weeks ago. He said that they were already planning on repackaging much of the Constellation technology for use in a yet-to-be-named program that would be announced several months after Constellation was “cancelled”. His view was that Congress would never let the pork-jobs in their districts funded by NASA dry up…

  2. Disgusting.

  3. Constellation has been a “dead man walking” for a while now. NASA can attempt to re-badge and re-brand Constellation technology into something else, but that’s going to be a damn hard sell when SpaceX has a flyable man rated DragonX capsule. I expect that NASA won’t have the PowerPoints done by the time SpaceX is ready for a first flight.

  4. Good riddance. NASA as it currently exists will never bring about a truly spacefaring civilization anyway.

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