Jun 152011

Every now and then I glance through the spam bucket, because every now and then in amongst the mountain of spam there are actual honest comments that the software has decided are spam. There doesn’t seem to be a lot of rhyme nor reason to some of them… sometimes comments from well-established commenters who *haven’t* been banned get dumped in the spambucket for no reason I can determine. So if you are posting comments and they are not appearing, go ahead and send me an email.

When I see these, I fish ’em out of the spambucket. But spam commenting comes in waves… there will be days with hundreds of messages, and there will be days at a stretch with only one or two.

In the meantime… here’s Buttons looking badass.

 Posted by at 12:08 pm

  4 Responses to “Comments not appearing?”

  1. In the wink of an eye

  2. In the wink of an eye.

  3. I just tried to post and got this: “Duplicate comment detected; it looks as though you’ve already said that!” Do you have a time machine connected to the blog comment software?

    • > Do you have a time machine connected to the blog comment software?

      Two commenters today have had duplicate posts. Shrug.

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