Sep 202010

The cover of “Space Manufacturing 5” has as a background illustration a portion of a “blueprint” of a Bernal Sphere-tpye space colony. What it doesn;t have is any further information on the full diagram or who drew it. I’d be grateful for any tips.


 Posted by at 11:05 pm
Sep 202010

A new low indeed.

The Florida Democratic Party sent a mailer to something like 60,000 people that clearly listed Republican Congressional candidate Allen West’s Social Security number.

 I’d think a valid lawsuit could result. Were this done to *me,* I’d ask for damages and punitive awards sufficient to bankrupt the party.

 Posted by at 10:49 pm
Sep 202010

Short form: “Sorry, kid, we won’t allow you to keep that miniature pig as a pet, even though it’s clean, pigs make great pets, and you’re deathly allergic to longer-furred critters.”

many are asking the family why they even asked the city for permission in the first place. Jason and Lisa said it was important to them to follow the law. They said that they want to set a good example for their son who will turn 10 next month.

That’ll learn ’em.

“They’re encouraging people to skirt the law, to ignore protocol and be deceitful,”

Exactly so. Every dumbass law that gets passed makes more regular people into criminals. And the more criminals there are, the more funding and power government will get.

 Posted by at 8:08 pm
Sep 202010

A link from blog reader Mike to the patent for the “Easy inter burial container,” basically a fat auger with a dead guy in it:


There is some sense to it in that it would probably be easier to install than digging a six foot long, six foot deep hole in the ground for a regular casket. But this would seem to me to be a continuation of the dreadful practice of turning caskets into friggen time capsules with gooey centers. Anything more elaborate, expensive or permanent than a plywood box is going much to far in terms of gift wrapping the dead. I’ve already given warning that, with one exception, if anything more complex or expensive than a cardboard box is used to hold my dead ass while it’s being lowered into the ground, I’m gonna come back and haunt the hell out of whoever decided to waste all that money.

 The exception, of course, is procuring a cheap rowboat and a few hundred gallons of fuel, and setting my carcass on fire out at sea. Throw in some fireworks, at least make it entertaining.

 Posted by at 2:32 pm
Sep 202010

Two paintings depicting the B-42 “Mixmaster” in action. The first shows it in a ground attack role, armed with (probably) two 37-mm cannon; the second shows it in a conventional bombing role. The actual origin of the artwork is unknown. Presumably Douglas, presumably wartime, but I’ve no data on specifics.



Courtesy Mark Nankivil.

 Posted by at 9:10 am
Sep 202010

Remember “Everybody Draw Mohammad Day?”

But on the insistence of top security specialists at the FBI, she is, as they put it, “going ghost”: moving, changing her name, and essentially wiping away her identity. She will no longer be publishing cartoons in our paper or in City Arts magazine, where she has been a regular contributor. She is, in effect, being put into a witness-protection program-except, as she notes, without the government picking up the tab. It’s all because of the appalling fatwa issued against her this summer, following her infamous “Everybody Draw Mohammed Day” cartoon.

Keep in mind: this is the FBI telling an American citizen that not only can they not protect her… that there was a need for such protection in the first place. This would seem to indicate that the FBI is pretty convinced that there just might be something a little dangerous about this whole “freedom of speech and religion” thing… at least if your speech and religion just happen to not be entirely complimentary to some particular ideology.

 Posted by at 8:57 am
Sep 202010

The maverick preacher who sparked an international crisis over plans to burn the Koran has been hit with a £100,000 bill to cover the cost of police security for the stunt.

Officials in Gainesville said Jones is liable for the cost of policing as they provided a ‘direct service’ to the church.

Wait, what? If the preachers church was burning to the ground and the fire fighters came out to put out the flames, would he get a bill? I don’t *believe* so. And so since he was not violating the law, but instead promising to do no more than practice his Constitutionally protected rights, and he *didn’t* apparently ask for the services of the police… how can they send him a bill?

 When the police have established a successful practice of not accepting tax dollars, but instead sending bills for the services to those arrested and convicted of crimes, only then can discussions of sending bills to legal-yet-jackholish people make any sort of sense.

 Posted by at 2:00 am