Sep 202010

What’s depicted here? First correct answer gets $10 credit on any downloadable item.


This should be *easy.*

 Posted by at 1:50 am

  6 Responses to “Name This Aircraft”

  1. XB-42 or XB-43

  2. It’s the original XA-42 attack variant of the Douglas XB-42, armed with two 37mm nose cannons.

  3. Might it be something from Dan Dare? It looks like the nose of the XB-42/43, but the fuselage is truncated.

  4. While Pat was more precise, Flateric was first by an hour.

  5. cannons was a trademark of XA-42 so my answer is barely correct
    so Pat is a winner in my opinion

  6. Sigh. *Fine.* You each get $5 in credit…

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