Sep 202010

Don’t scream ’em down, don’t send in the cops to bust heads (or to extort “fees” from ’em), just… ask them to back up their signs. And then watch ’em scatter back to their buses.


 Posted by at 8:00 pm

  2 Responses to “How to shut down a protest (legally)”

  1. Good on the woman at the end there for apparently showing up of her own volition.

    As for the rest… the only thing I can’t take from someone (given enough leverage of one sort or another) is their ability to think for themselves, and I am saddened that so many people have given up on that inalienable right.


  2. You need large balls of brass to do that, particularly if they are union goons. I’ve known some, and they may not have the brain cells to be able to back up their signs, but they know how to pull a jacket over their face and kick you in the stomach.

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