Sep 202010

Short form: “Sorry, kid, we won’t allow you to keep that miniature pig as a pet, even though it’s clean, pigs make great pets, and you’re deathly allergic to longer-furred critters.”

many are asking the family why they even asked the city for permission in the first place. Jason and Lisa said it was important to them to follow the law. They said that they want to set a good example for their son who will turn 10 next month.

That’ll learn ’em.

“They’re encouraging people to skirt the law, to ignore protocol and be deceitful,”

Exactly so. Every dumbass law that gets passed makes more regular people into criminals. And the more criminals there are, the more funding and power government will get.

 Posted by at 8:08 pm

  6 Responses to “Too much government (small scale)”

  1. Gee, I wonder if their city is a “sanctuary city”…. maybe little piggy can get sanctuary?

  2. The only other thing I thought of is to get one of those egyptian type cats. Those things are practically bald.

  3. Either that or move.

  4. The worst part of this is that the child had been taught that government is totally unfeeling. Well, that may be the *best* part in some ways. The fact remains that he knows that being reasonable and following the rules results in nothing.

  5. “The only power the government has is the power to crack down on criminals. So when there aren’t enough criminals out there, you make some. You pass so many laws that it becomes impossible for men to exist without committing a crime.” – Atlas Shrugged

    @Mike – Government IS totally unfeeling… or at least, it should be. I don’t get really worried about what government’s up to until it starts proclaiming its compassion.

  6. I wonder how many job offers the father gets, from businesses in cities that permit pigs as pets. That’s one possible fallout from this sort of thing.

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