Mar 182010


This will, I’m sure, have some interesting implications:

A team of scientists has succeeded in putting an object large enough to be visible to the naked eye into a mixed quantum state of moving and not moving.

Andrew Cleland at the University of California, Santa Barbara, and his team cooled a tiny metal paddle until it reached its quantum mechanical ‘ground state’ — the lowest-energy state permitted by quantum mechanics. They then used the weird rules of quantum mechanics to simultaneously set the paddle moving while leaving it standing still. The experiment shows that the principles of quantum mechanics can apply to everyday objects as well as as atomic-scale particles.

Fire up the Heisenberg compensators! 

On one highly nerdy level, this is amazingly awesome. This takes quantum mechanics out of the realm of the entirely-divorced-from-every-day-reality and puts it squarely in the mostly-divorced-from-every-day-reality realm. That the actions of quantum mechanics – specifically the property of both moving and not moving simultaneously – can be observed by the naked eye kinda has me astounded.

On the other hand, the requirements to make this experiment work are still so astonishingly unlike the normal world that it’s hard to see any practical application. But as with many forms of science – early radiation studies, evolution, etc. – the early, “pure” research with no practical application sooner or later turns into the powerplant that lights your house or the medicine that saves your life.

Of course, it’s reasonaly certain that good science fiction will take this experiment and run with it… and bad science fiction will be made by “The Asylum” and will show up on the “SyFy Channel.”

 Posted by at 11:49 pm
Mar 182010

Only a few hours left on this. And my surprise over the disparity only grows… the bids for the Convair SST are now more than seven times as high as for the Super Hustler, with twelve times as many bids.

 What is the world coming to when a passenger transport is more popular than a wholly impractical Mach 4+ nuclear bomber???

UPDATE: The end results continued to surprise the hell out of me. “Super Hustler” is scratched off the list of potentials. Huh.

 Posted by at 3:32 pm
Mar 182010

In Britain, a cab-over semi tractor trailer truck t-boned a Renault, and continued to bop on down the road unhindered, and apparently oblivious.

One wonders why the people in the car videotaping this didn’t seem to try to *stop* this, though of course that may have happened after the tape shut off.

 Posted by at 10:48 am
Mar 172010

A Bellcom study from ’69 for a Titan IIIM (stretched core, 7-segment solids, designed specifically to launch the MOL space station) with a nuclear upper stage concluded that it basically just wasn’t worth it. For missions within cislunar space, the payload advantage compared to a Titan/Centaur was measurable in dozens of pounds; for deep space missions the advantage creeped up and was noticable. But the development costs, along with the requirement to shield the payload, , negated any advantages.

When it comes to nuclear propulsion… bigger IS better. The nuclear engine and its shielding are going to weigh a lot regardless of whether they are attached to a honkin’ huge manned interplanetary vehicle… or some dinky upper stage like this.




 Posted by at 7:04 pm
Mar 172010

Some of the blueprints I had printed up I went “wow” when I first saw them. A few others I went “meh.” So I’ve put three of those up on eBay with Buy It Now options. These include:

1) Model 844-2050 Dyna Soar

2) AH-56 Cheyenne

3) Hubble Space Telescope

Don’t get me wrong, they don’t suck… they’re just not blowin’ my skirts up, if you follow me. So these will be the *only* ones like these that will be available, the Dyna Soar and Hubble blueprints assuredly. The Cheyenne I might re-work at some point if there’s interest, but I’m not seeing it just now.

UPDATE: Huh. They were all posted with a minimum price of $9.99 and higher Buy it Now prices. Two have minimum bids… and the Buy it Now prices seem to have vanished from those. I guess the Buy It Now option goes away when someone bids.

 Posted by at 6:21 pm
Mar 162010

This is just… wow.

The US-based owner of a satirical Wikipedia-style website may be charged under Australian law over a deliberately offensive article about Aborigines.

The Australian Human Rights and Equal Opportunities Commission (HREOC) contacted Encyclopedia Dramatica owner Joseph Evers, after 20 indigenous Australians complained about the article’s content.

“While I act in complete compliance with both the civil and criminal codes of the United States of America, and am assured the right of free speech according to our constitution … I can personally be jailed and fined for the violation of this law.”

This would be an astonishing thing if the US government were to go along with this. If the Aussie government tries to prosecute an American for expressing his freedom of speech, no matter how offensive (and, yes, the article – as with most of Encyclopedia Dramatica – is far-over-the-top offensive), the proper response from the US government should be to tell the Aussies to get bent. If he’s tried in absentia, I would think it appropriate for the US government to put a ban on Americans visiting Australia. I’m generally in favor of the US Government allowing its citizens to travel wherever the hell they want, but there are places that violate as a matter of course basic human liberties… and the State Department should at the very least warn off Americans from visiting them. Like the message they issued some years back warning American women to be extremely weary of marrying Saudi men.

The Fark thread on the topic has some dandy, and appropriate comments:

Way to China it up, Australia.


Limiting free speech offends America’s cultural heritage.You’re on notice Australia.


Australians are all savages who drink blood from the arteries of pallid nuns kept indoors and beaten with reeds to keep their flesh supple. In their spare time they (the Aussies, not the nuns) devote countless hours to the worship and glorification of a hybrid clone of Kim Jung-il, Hitler and Carrot Top. Those who cannot assist in the genetic engineering of the creature show it their fealty by flinging boogers at the wall and then smearing the marks away by squirting it with lymph from a living infant.

Come get me.

Really, the politicians of the world need to read up on the Streisand Effect. This sort of thing only invites a response.

 Posted by at 10:02 pm
Mar 162010

A JEDI believer won an apology from a Jobcentre which threw him out for refusing to remove his hood.
Star Wars fan Chris Jarvis, 31, was told he would have to leave if he did not take it down.

Chris is a member of the International Church of Jediism – based on the sci-fi films – whose doctrine states that followers should be allowed to wear hoods.

But when he protested, security escorted him from his local branch in Southend, Essex.

“Muslims can walk around in whatever religious gear they like, so why can’t I?”


 In general, I approve of religuions being created by sci-fi authors rather than, say, psychotic loons having whackadoodle “visions.” But of the two sci-fi religions I can think of off the top of my head, one is a transparent scam, the other is this silly “Jedi-ism.” Still, the more chaos they can sow into the nutjobbery that is the fetish many have made of “diversity,” the better.

 Posted by at 12:09 pm
Mar 162010

Now that spring seems to be here, the hawks and falcons are returning. Last year they *left* for the winter just before – as in a *day* before – I got the Nikon D5000 camera and zoom lens. Together at last…

This is one of the critters in the tree across the road.




 Posted by at 9:58 am