Mar 172010

Some of the blueprints I had printed up I went “wow” when I first saw them. A few others I went “meh.” So I’ve put three of those up on eBay with Buy It Now options. These include:

1) Model 844-2050 Dyna Soar

2) AH-56 Cheyenne

3) Hubble Space Telescope

Don’t get me wrong, they don’t suck… they’re just not blowin’ my skirts up, if you follow me. So these will be the *only* ones like these that will be available, the Dyna Soar and Hubble blueprints assuredly. The Cheyenne I might re-work at some point if there’s interest, but I’m not seeing it just now.

UPDATE: Huh. They were all posted with a minimum price of $9.99 and higher Buy it Now prices. Two have minimum bids… and the Buy it Now prices seem to have vanished from those. I guess the Buy It Now option goes away when someone bids.

 Posted by at 6:21 pm

  2 Responses to “Some one-off blueprints”

  1. Now if you had blueprints of the F101D and/or the F102 I would certainly get one of those as a gift for my father.

  2. The buy it now does go away after a bid is placed, but for some weird reason, if bidding reaches the buy it now price, it doesn’t let you go past it which is bad because if bidding is that high it puts a limit on how far it can go.

    I wouldn’t post common stuff like Hubble because that print is out there already

    How did the F-23 go?

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