Mar 162010

A JEDI believer won an apology from a Jobcentre which threw him out for refusing to remove his hood.
Star Wars fan Chris Jarvis, 31, was told he would have to leave if he did not take it down.

Chris is a member of the International Church of Jediism – based on the sci-fi films – whose doctrine states that followers should be allowed to wear hoods.

But when he protested, security escorted him from his local branch in Southend, Essex.

“Muslims can walk around in whatever religious gear they like, so why can’t I?”


 In general, I approve of religuions being created by sci-fi authors rather than, say, psychotic loons having whackadoodle “visions.” But of the two sci-fi religions I can think of off the top of my head, one is a transparent scam, the other is this silly “Jedi-ism.” Still, the more chaos they can sow into the nutjobbery that is the fetish many have made of “diversity,” the better.

 Posted by at 12:09 pm

  One Response to “Begun the Jedihads have…”

  1. ““Muslims can walk around in whatever religious gear they like, so why can’t I?””

    TOUCHE’!!! I say, Touche’!!

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