Largely unnoticed, Ezekiel Emanuel, President Obama’s ‘Special Advisor for Health Policy to the Director of the Office of Management and Budget’ recently published a paper with the above title, in the Journal of the American Medical Association (July 1, 2009). In it, Emanuel argues that individuals have an obligation to submit themselves to medical research experimentation. No, I’m not kidding.
Individuals have an obligation to participate in biomedical research because the knowledge produced by the system of biomedical research is what economists call a “public good.”
Individuals ought to participate in clinical trials when presented with the option. Well-functioning institutional review boards ensure that the risks are not excessive relative to the benefits of research. When the risks are significant, the obligation may be weaker. The obligation to participate applies to both healthy volunteers and patients. Both are needed to advance biomedical knowledge. For patients, there is an obligation to agree to participate in a study involving their condition when appropriate. Healthy individuals should participate in a fair share of the research for which they are eligible and needed.
This administration is coming off like a bad fricken’ joke, or like the sort of two-dimensional scumbags from Ayn Rand’s “Atlas Shrugged.” But sadly, they are not a joke, they are not fiction. They are the real deal.