If you really want to, and really really don’t have anything better do do with your time, you can download “2083 – A European Declaration of Independence” by “Andrew Berwick,” which appears to be the manifesto of Anders Behring Breivik. It’s a “.docx” file, which always gives my computer fits, but I did manage to convert it into a regular Word “.doc” file. And.. . it’s more than 1600 pages.
Clearly I haven’t read the whole thing. Nor do I intend to. But I did skim through it; it *appears* to be largely a compendium of other peoples work describing the history and evils of Islam. But it does have original work in it, such as a whole lot of blather about the Knights Templar, Marxism and Nordic races.
Page 1284:
3.84 Knights Templar and ethnocentrism
Knights Templar has three primary functions;
To act as a pan-European Crusader Movement for the banishment of Islam from Europe
To act as an Indigenous Rights Movement; to serve the interest of the European ethnic groups and to destroy cultural Marxism/multiculturalism
To act as a War Crimes Tribunal
Page 1287:
The Marxist regimes in Europe grant us privileges by either completely liberalising the biotechnology-laws. They must encourage and even directly sponsor repro-genetics programs on a private and/or state level, which facilitates reproduction clinics who focus strictly on indigenous genotypes from pure sources (non-diluted (95-99% pure) Nordic genotypes) found in Northern Sweden and other areas where this is available. The European Marxist regimes will never allow or contribute to this which only leaves two options;
Conservatives/nationalists/traditionalists in each European country are given reservations where we can exercise autonomy (political control) just like the Native Americans after their defeat against the US Army. This is not acceptable yet to a large majority of conservatives as we expect to defeat the cultural Marxist regimes of Europe within 70 years. The third option should be outlined as follows;
Conservatives must seize political and military power through a combination of armed and democratic struggle within 70 years and implement the above policies. The alternative is the continued bastardisation model, very similar to the Brazilian model; where it has been (due to the Brazilian Marxist revolution) established a melting pot of European/Asian/African mix.
Oy vey.
Page 1289:
I am extremely proud of my ethnic group, Norwegians which is a Northern-Germanic tribe.
Gah. Being proud of one’s ethnic group is just about the most pointless pride imaginable. Be proud of the things you’ve done, not of the circumstances of your birth.
Several pages of rants and blather about the evils of “race mixing” follow that.
Page 1338:
All 2nd and 3rd world countries (where the average birth rate is above 2,1) are to implement 1 child policies until their country is stabilised in regards to financial outlooks and overconsumption, saving their forests etc.
Decrease global consummation through implementing protectionist policies
All globalist companies will be nationalised
Page 1341:
Our planet should not exceed 3 billion individuals so radical policies will have to be implemented (we are currently more than 6,8 billion).
Page 1448: Deport all Muslims
Page 1454:
Marxists (all category A and B traitors) will be shown no mercy whatsoever. They will all be executed due to their war crimes listed in point 1-8.
Page 1475 and a whole lot beyond: Christian justification for a renewed Crusade to Christianize Europe and drive out the Muslims.
1574 to 1639: a day-to-day record of his efforts at obtaining weapons and making explosives. The last entry is on July 21. I’ve only skimmed this pa4rt, but it promises to be rather creepy. In skimming through it I haven’t yet found an explanation of just what he was planning to do, but I suspect it’s in there.
On the whole it reads like little more than a warmed-over Mein Kampf. The guy comes across not as an American-style conservative, but as an old-school “National Socialist,” i.e. “Nazi.” He may share the American conservatives dislike of Marxism and Islam, but rather than the American conservatives goal of minimum government, he seems to want a *maximum* government that controls the genetic and ethnic makeup of a people, as well as their religions. As I’ve said before, European political labels and American political labels may include the same titles but they sure mean different things.
The extreme dislike of Marxists actually fits… what political movement did the Nazis hate most? The Marxists. And what political movement did the Nazis most resemble? The Marxists. It seems to be something of a truism that some of the greatest *hate* that humans can produce is hatred of those who are really a whole lot like them… just a little different. Shia vs. Sunni, Catholic vs. protestant, Nazi vs Commie, Serb vs. Croat. To outsiders, the two sides are virtually indistinguishable.
A big difference, of course, is that this time there is a whole lot of blather about how great the Church (i.e. Catholic church) and the Masons are.