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 eVolume 0, Number 0
This issue (56 pages) covers the Martin XB-68, the Kaiser Tailless Airplane, the Northrop N-31 series of turboprop flying wing bombers, the unusual Drawbridge/Pancake Space Shuttle concept, a Convair tailsitter jet fighter, a Mach 6 three-body SST, the Tarnsport-To-Space concept for a break-apart spaceplane, Curtis high-speed fighters and a Boeing VTOL passenger jet.
56 megabyte PDF file.
V0N0 download order: $6.50
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 eVolume 1, Number 1
This issue (42 pages) contains articles on the Seversky "Super-Clipper," the Lockheed "Flatbed" and Rockwells X-33 design. Also includes smaller articles on the Convair X-6 and Northrops Integral Launch and Recovery Vehicle.
35 megabyte PDF file.
V1N1 download order: $5.50
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 eVolume 1, Number 2 This issue (90 pages) has a very large article on Saturn V S-IC derived flyback boosters; the Northrop N-63 and the US Navy VTOL fighter competition, 1950; NACA VTOL supersonic bomber; NASA TFX design studies.
11 megabyte PDF file
V1N2 download order: $8.00
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 eVolume 1, Number 3
This issue (78 pages) has articles on:
The Helios program: contained nuclear-pulse propulsion program, run parallel with Orion. Will also include a number of related designs such as the Dandridge Cole designs for Martin
Blended Wing Bodies: A vastly expanded article (the original dealt only with an early McDonnell-Douglas patented concept) on BWB airliners and bombers. With include many drawings of these designs... including drawings of a Lockheed design for probably the largest aircraft ever seriously considered.
Focke-Wulf VTOL airliners of the 1960's
Early NASA hypersonic aircraft designs, including recon and interceptors
Bell X-14C close-support VTOL aircraft and related designs
8 megabyte PDF file
V1N3 download order: $7.00
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 eVolume 1, Number 4
87 pages, with the main article being on Early development of Project Orion, including "Putt-Putt"
Lockheed L-133 jet fighter by Bill Slayton
Turboprop-equipped B-36 designs by Dennis R. Jenkins
Bell and North American WS 118P designs
16 megabyte PDF file
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 eVolume 1, Number 5
A 90-page issue
Project Orion, USAF and NASA 10 meter designs. This article presents many never before published Project Orion technical diagrams.
Lockheed CL-407 VTOL supersonic attack fighter
Early North American Aviation space shuttle by Dennis R. Jenkins
The mystery "Zerstorer:" combat aircraft or SST?
29 megabyte PDF file
V1N5 download order: $8.00
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 eVolume 1, Number 6
86 pages in this issue, with the main article on American submarine aircraft carrier projects. Boeing and General Dynamics designs for submarine aircraft carriers are shown in exhaustive detail, along with a Mach 3 VTOL strike fighter! Also included are articles on:
Lunar Logistics Orions
Lockheed CL 346 VTOL strike fighters
Junkers RT8
Rotating space stations by Dennis R. Jenkins
24 megabyte PDF file, 86 pages
V1N6 download order: $8.00
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 eVolume 2, Number 1
An 82-page issue. The main article: Project Pluto! A nuclear-powered ramjet cruise missile, designed to cruise at Mach 3/treetop level. Perhaps one of the most evil weapons systems ever almost built. Also:
XB-70-derived SST by Dennis R. Jenkins
Lockheed CL 167 fighter by Bill Slayton
Rockwell boost-glide suborbital passenger transport
General Dynamics/Convair AT3-30 advanced civil transport
Douglas Model D-790 "Missileer"
Tupolev TU-2000 SSTO aerospaceplane
747 "Guppy"
35 megabyte PDF file
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 eVolume 2, Number 2
By far the biggest APR yet, at 153 pages! The main article: The LARGE Orion designs, including the Orion Battleship and the "Doomsday" Orion! Numerous of the largest Orions are shown, by way of technical diagrams (including a number of never-before-published diagrams of the 4,000 ton USAF design) and many all-new renderings made just for this issue!
Convair Model 49 AAFSS by Dennis R. Jenkins... one of the oddest "helicopter gunships" ever
Republic's "Do Everything Configuration:" good for VTOL, good for strike bombers, strategic bombers and SSTs!
Bell BoMi Part One: the birth of the Bomber Missile, the predecessor of the X-20 Dyna Soar and the Space Shuttle, and the manned competitor of the ICBM
Martin Model 247: the turboprop version of the Martin B-48 bomber
The Bell X-14B: It survives, and here are the photos to prove it!
North American Aviations 1947 designs for atomic powered rockets and ramjets
Supersonic Transport derivatives of the Convair B-58 "Hustler" (with special color artwork prepared just for this article!)
22 megabyte PDF file
V2N2 download order: $10.00
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 eVolume 2, Number 3
99 pages. The main article: Part 2 of the Bell BOMI article series, showing the evolution of the manned rocket bomber concept from the early 1952 three stage concept through passenger transports on up to the end of the program.
Three-engined 747 by Dennis R. Jenkins... a proposed DC-10 competitor
Convair's Flying Wing "B-36" by Dennis R. Jenkins
Martin Model 262: a turboprop VTOL fighter
The BlackburnB-49B canard flying boat
Bell D-188 VTOL Fighter Part One: covers early Bell VTOL fighter design up to the initial D-188 concept
Grumman D-623-2024: jet VTOL fighter
14 megabyte PDF file
V2N3 download order: $8.50
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 eVolume 2, Number 4
113 pages. The main articles: Part 3 of the Bell BOMI article series, showing the final designs of the manned rocket bomber concept from the late 1950's up to the beginning of the Dyna Soar program.
Bell D188A VTOL Fighter part two
Ames Mach 10 demonstrators by Dennis R. Jenkins
Convairs Seaplane Jet Bombers by Robert Bradley
Convair Manned Reconnaissance Glide Vehicle
Boeing Model 767-730 nuclear powered transport
due to filesize (over 50 meg), this issue is split into two PDF files for easier downloading
V2N4 download order: $9.00
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 eVolume 2, Number 5
75 pages. The main articles: Aerospaceplane - 1961. Several major American aerospace corporations competed to design a large operational "orbital airplane." Here is a moment in time of the multi-year effort.
Convair Spaceplane by Dennis R. Jenkins
Convairs Seaplane Jet Bombers Part 2 by Robert Bradley
Messerschmitt Me 328 variations, part 1
Curtis Wright Helicopter Airliner
Martin SeaMaster
Fairchild NEPA nuclear bomber
V2N5 download order: $7.00
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 eVolume 2, Number 6
136 pages. The main articles:
ROMBUS/ITHACUS: the Douglas concept from 1963 for a million-pound payload SSTO, and its stablemate that could rocket 1200 fully loaded US Marines anywhere in the world
Convair Mach 4 Seaplane Bombers, by George Cully
Convair's flying submarine
Bell Aircraft's Orbital Saucer Project by Dave Stern
Messerschmit Me 328 Variations, Part 2
Two "Aerospace History Nuggets:"
Saab 1073 short-haul jetliner, 1968
Tsanders Aerospaceplane
V2N6 download order: $10.00
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 Volume 3, Number 1
127 pages, covering the Convair NEXUS super-booster from 1963/64; the Convair XP-92 ramjet powered supersonic fighter from 1946, Werner von Braun's "Ferry Rocket" from 1952; the Lockheed GL 268 "lambda winged" BWB cargo lifter from 1960; and a McDonnell-Douglas ATF entry from 1982.
66 megabyte PDF file
V3N1 download order: $10.00
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 Volume 3, Number 2
140 pages, covering the Lockheed STAR Clipper stage-and-a-half space shuttle concept; a Convair design for a supersonic transport built from an F-106 interceptor; derivatives of the Northrop F-23 stealth fighter (including the notorious F/B-23); a long-duration Northrop multipurpose aircraft and the Vanguard Model 18 VTOL.
76 megabyte PDF file
V3N2 download order: $10.00
ALSO AVAILABLE: V3N2 Addendum, with 65 pages formatted for 11X17 sheets. Includes larger format (and higher rez images) along with additional artwork and diagrams that were not in issue V3N2 due to space constraints.
V3N2 Addendum download order: $5.00
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 Volume 3, Number 3
98 pages, with the main article focusing on the Douglas XC-132 cargo transporter/tanker from the 1950's. Includes detailed diagrams of the final design, as well as diagrams and info on designs leading up to it. Also: detailed design info and diagrams of the A-12 Avenger II stealth strike plane for the US Navy; concepts for using bomber aircraft as first stage launchers for the Dyna Soar spaceplane; Grummans VTOL stealthy Future Attack Air Vehicle; the many designs of the Martin Astrorocket, a program for a fully reusable operational military space launch system; and an article that links together the Orion Program, the Apollo program and a spacegoing jet fighter!
26 megabyte PDF file
V3N3 download order: $8.50
ALSO AVAILABLE: V3N3 Addendum, with 30 pages formatted for 11X17 sheets. Includes larger format (and higher rez images) along with additional artwork and diagrams that were not in issue V3N3 due to space constraints.
V3N3 Addendum download order: $3.00
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 Volume 5, Number 6
This is a PDF version of the final issue of the original run of APR. V5N6 has been the most requested issue of APR since the print edition closed up shop. Unlike the other Electronic APRs, this is not an update... this is the original issue, without changes. It is converted from the actual Word document, so resolution remains. An advantage here is that much of the grayscale artwork is now in full color.
Articles include:
Raumwaffe, 1946: German space efforts in WWII... an attempt to separate the fact from the fiction
X-Wing aircraft
Boeing WS-110A designs by Dennis R. Jenkins, presenting many of the designs produced by Boeing for the B-70 competition.
Dash-On-Warning concepts
15 megabyte PDF file
V5N6 download order: $7.00