Jul 232011

Cop threatens to execute driver over concealed weapon permit

You know what I should have done? I’ll tell you what I should have done. As soon as I saw your gun, I should have taken two steps back, pulled my Glock 40 and just put ten bullets in your ass and let you drop. And I wouldn’tve lost any sleep.

[youtube kassP7zI0qc]

 Posted by at 3:53 pm

  7 Responses to “To Protect And Serve”

  1. Bad address in the link, Scott!

  2. So, do you think that cop will be able to get those high quality steriods in prison?

    • Probably… because if he ever goes to prison it’ll probably be while on the job to go beat the tar out of some convict. He is, after all, a member of a public employee Union. Right now he’s on a taxpayer-funded vacation. Any other line of work in the world if he’d threatened to execute someone while on the job, he’d be *immediately* out on his ass as soon as his boss saw the tape.

      • Officer 1 needs to go. I had some sympathy for officer 2 until he stood there and agreed that he would lie about witnessing an execution by his partner. Officer 2 may have been thinking “Damn, bob’s cranky without his coffee” right up to that point, but when O1 said “Bob there is going to commit a felony for me and say you pulled a gun” he should have stepped up and said, “No. No, I won’t.”

        These two cops, need to lose their jobs, their pensions and both need felony convictions for something like terrorism under color of authority.

  3. The lesson from this is to turn off the video recorder before doing something stupid.

  4. I remember a state trooper somewhere who pulled over an elderly man who was trying to get his wife to the hospital and was screamed at. His wife died of the heart attack after he was told to drive the speed limit.

    Enough to want me to give him a love tap on the hip with my passenger side mirror on a side swipe during a pull-over if that was my grandparents.

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