May 202020

Well, here’s some *fantastic* news:

Coronavirus patients in new Chinese cluster exhibiting symptoms different from Wuhan

1: Researchers in China have found at least 30 distinct strains of the virus

2: The cities of Jilin City, Shulan and Shengyang are under lockdown *again* as 46 new patients have popped up showing new symptoms.

3: The new versions of the disease take longer to recover from

4: Fantastically, it appears that the news form of the disease takes longer to manifest symptoms.


 Posted by at 8:21 am
May 192020

This has made the rounds of the media today. Given how fabulously trustworthy the press is, filled with reporters who truly go to the bother to fundamentally understand what they report on and to report on it with full honesty, transparency and without hyperbole… I think it’s fair to suggest taking this with a pinch of salt.

NASA scientists detect parallel universe ‘next to ours’ where time runs backwards

The short form: ANITA (Antarctic Impulsive Transient Antenna) is a NASA experiment conducted over Antarctica. Large balloons are used to lift a particle detector high up into the thin atmosphere. Since the Earth should block most of these, they should only be detected coming from above. But tau neutrinos were detected coming from *below.* Occams Razor would suggest that they are being emitted from something below (ahem ahem ELDER THINGS ahem ahem), but at least somebody is suggesting that rather than coming up from below, they’re actually coming down from above… but doing it backwards in time.

It’s an intriguing idea, but I gots me a question: I can buy the notion of a particle going backwards in time, and thus seeming to come up from below when it’s actually going down from above. But if you detect a particle, that means you have intercepted and diverted or fundamentally transformed it. So… this time-reversed particle would seem to be emerging not from some distant astrophysical event, but it’s emerging from the *detector,* ain’t it?


 Posted by at 8:03 pm
May 192020

Building that racial harmony:

New Black Panther Party Launches Boycott of ‘Chinese Merchants’ to Protest Racism

The “Chinese merchants” are not the ChiCom-controlled megacorps, but restaurants and salons and such. they claim to be cheesed off about the treatment of blacks in China, which is fine, but they’re going after people of Chinese descent, not the Chinese government. It would be interesting to see how the NBP would react if other people used the same logic on ’em.

 Posted by at 7:33 pm
May 162020

Draconian anti-free speech laws in Germany? That’s unpossible!

Burning EU and other flags can now bring German jail term

And by “jail term” they mean three years in prison for “hate crimes.”

The law covers not just burning but “defiling” flags. And not just flags, but also the EU’s anthem, Beethovens “Ode to Joy.” I’m unclear how one would go about burning music apart from the actual sheet music or CD’s or something. But I suppose defilement of Ode To Joy being illegal might mean that performances such as these are now illegal in Germany. So play ’em loud and proud, Germanylanders:





 Posted by at 2:30 pm
May 152020

… now, let’s see how well it works out:

Coronavirus prompted residents in richest parts of Manhattan to flee

Thousands of residents — about five percent or around 420,000 people —  left wealthy New York City neighborhoods. Populations in the Upper East Side, the West Village, SoHo and Brooklyn Heights declined about 40 percent between March 1 and May 1, according to a report by the New York Times. 

The vast majority here are almost certainly very temporary moves and they’ll doubtless come back and bring their money with them. However, *some* fraction will be gone permanently, and some larger fraction will be gone for a number of months, some beyond 6 months. At which point New York City loses their taxes. Woo!

Some 75% or so of them were paying $2000 or more per month in rent. In contrast, regular folk unsurprisingly hunkered down. End result: Manhattan got a bit poorer, with less of those filthy, filthy One Percenters cluttering up the joint. Just like how the Socialists want it, just through a Communist-started pandemic rather than a Socialist-led revolution.

But this sort of thing has been foreseen. From a bit over a year ago, long before the Kung Flu:

Cuomo Announces $2.3 Billion Revenue Shortfall: ‘God Forbid If the Rich Leave’


 Posted by at 5:29 pm