May 262020

Buttons was taken to my regular vet this AM after a night of misery. I do not exaggerate when I call Buttons one of the most friendly and joyous cats I’ve ever known, so hearing him howling in misery and pain and terror was especially unnerving. So about an hour before they opened I was there in the parking lot. The situation was explained, Buttons was taken in for a quick exam, and someone came out with a printout of the expected charges and they asked if I wanted to go ahead. Ha.

Anyway, Buttons was given intravenous fluids and later in the evening the vet called with an update: he’s doing well. An Xray showed nothing worrisome and he has spent the day *not* barfing. He will stay at the vet through Wednesday, hopefully coming home Thursday. According to the vet, everything backs up the “pancreatitis” explanation.

 Posted by at 11:24 pm