May 132020

Mayor says ‘LA will NEVER be completely open until we have a coronavirus cure’ in stark warning

Until they have a cure. A cure for a freakin’ virus akin tot he seasonal flu. You know, the virus they’ve been trying to cure for a thousand  years with little to no hope of actually curing?

Well, at last now we know: at least some of the politicians out there are actually aliens that inhabit the brains of the bodies of our dead.

I for one welcome our new reality bending squishy alien overlords, and look forward to reading their authoritarian newsletters.

 Posted by at 5:20 pm
May 122020

Shouldn’t this be more like “treason?” Or at least “espionage?”

UA professor arrested on wire fraud charge

University of Arkansas engineering professor Simon Ang didn’t disclose that he has close ties to the “Thousand Talent” program which the ChiComs use to scavenge classified technologies and technical skill/talent from the west… basically a vast spying and recruiting network. He actively tried to hide his involvement with this after receiving $5 million in NASA contract money, a process that requires disclosing foreign entanglements. Thus the “wire fraud.” But how is this not also treasonous?

The problem with Senator McCarthy was *not* that he was wrong about the pervasive and insidious nature of Communist infiltration.

 Posted by at 2:42 pm
May 122020

An interesting take on Machiavelli:


I read “The Prince” a long, long time ago. Looks like I need to read it again.

As pointed out in the video, taking the story of Jesus of Nazareth as an example of how to live your life is a disastrous idea: Jesus’ life story is one of ultimate failure. Those who believe that Jesus became King of Kings  and lives forever believe this occurred due to divine intervention, *not* because living an ideologically pure life of niceness will actually lead to a good outcome. Being the nice guy will get you kicked around and nailed to some lumber.


 Posted by at 10:27 am
May 102020

This is unsettling.

As music… it sucks. The singing sounds like English, but English that you just can’t understand. And what’s worse; as much as it sucks, it sound a lot better than a lot of what’s making “artists” millions.

 Posted by at 10:03 pm