May 252020

Today gained “one of those days” status quite early. At O’Dark Thirty, Buttons started upchucking. This is not especially unusual or concerning cat behavior, but before long he was making the most anguishing wail. I don’t know whether it meant “Ow, I hurt,” or “please help me,” but it was heartbreaking. So at the crack of the opening hour I took him to the nearest vet. Huzzah! It’s a holiday and they’re closed. They directed me to the emergency clinic some distance away. Long story short, they diagnosed Buttons with pancreatitis. This is not the first time he’s had it, but it’s the first time he’s been in this much misery over it. After getting his meds and returning home, he has steadfastly refused to either eat or drink, but every few hours he begins to wail in misery again, followed by throwing up food from who knows how long ago. This whole day has been heartbreaking, watching this normally chipper-beyond-reason cat cry out that he thinks he’s dying. Coupled with Fingers’ recent passing… yeah, it’s been a day.

Given that the progression of the illness remains “sleep followed by horrific wails,” I expect I’ll be taking him to the regular vet first thing tomorrow. The fantastic thing is that the emergency vet knows well the concept of “supply and demand,” and as a consequence my bank account is substantially lightened. There was some aerospace literature I was thinking of buying off ebay, but that’s kaput for now. So if you’ve been hankering to buy some of my stuff, or subscribe for the monthly aerospace goodies… now would be a *fantastic* time.

Gah. Just as I’m finishing up this post, Buttons is starting to cry again.

EDIT: This phase of unhappiness lasted at least half an hour. Finally threw up what he needed to, and now he can rest again… for a bit.

Feline Tip Jar

TUESDAY MORNING UPDATE: Buttons has been hospitalized. For at least a day or probably two, he will be given fluids intravenously and his digestive system will be let sit to hopefully calm down. As expensive as yesterday was, this is worse. The night was a nightmare for the both of us… every hour or so he’d get up and loudly cry in pain, then hurl. I gave him water a few CC’s at a time with a syringe, but it wasn’t doing the job and of course he chucked it back up.


 Posted by at 7:36 pm