Oct 032020

He has released a video from Walter Reade Hospital today, and it sure seems like standard Trump. If he’s sick, he’s not showing it much.

Yup, he rambles on and on. Compare that to this:

 Posted by at 6:54 pm
Oct 032020

Who says Communism can’t lead to booming businesses? Here’s a story how the Chinese Communist Party has successfully created a bunch of jobs in Turkey:

The covid cruise ship graveyard: Passenger liners are stripped for scrap at Turkish dock after the multi-billion pound industry was smashed by the coronavirus crisis

Communism is a *fantastic* way to turn good times for the western world into misery and financial ruin. But hey, at least there are some snazzy photos to look at while you ponder what sort of world we’ll have one not only has the Commie Cough had its way with the world, but the Harris Administration strips the citizenry of human rights and the ability to travel. Good times ahead!


Ponderable: Let’s say Trump succumbs to the Pinko Pox before the election. What happens to US/China relations in a theoretical Pence administration? Not much point in contemplating such things in a Harris administration; safe to say she’d stay their lapdog. Hell, the new administration would probably be even *more* grateful to the ChiComs for having taken out Bad Orange Man. Sure, they will have taken out a quarter million other Americans to get him, but a Communist can’t make an omelet without scrambling a few kulaks, amirite?

 Posted by at 4:17 pm
Oct 022020

Yes, *that* Rick Moranis (Dark Helmet, Bob McKenzie, Louis Tully, Vinz Clortho, etc.), was the victim of “random” violence in New York City.

NYPD: Actor Rick Moranis Victim Of Unprovoked Attack Caught On Camera In Manhattan

Not sure if the attacker was one of those right wing extremist Proud Boy Trump supporters or not.

 Posted by at 10:58 am
Oct 022020

He and the FLOTUS have tested positive. A few thoughts, because of course there are:

1: Took long enough. I expected this *months* ago.

2: He’s old. This could well be bad for him. Could end up with Pence vs Biden.

3: If it does go badly for him, Trump will be the first President since Kennedy to be killed by communists.

4: Even if he only has a mild case, the next month is going to be even more spectacularly bonkers.

5: The conspiracy nuts are going to have a field day with this:

  •       “He doesn’t really have it, it’s just a campaign ploy.”
  •       “He doesn’t really have it, he’d just in the pocket of The Mask-Industrial Complex.”
  •       “He contracted it on purpose at just this moment to garner sympathy votes or to get out of the next debate.”

Now is the time for those who enjoy such activities to scour Twitter and Instragram and Facebook and whatnot for all the gloating posts by those who wish death upon Trump & Co. Such posts will live forever, long after the posters are made to realize that such things are not a good look.

 Posted by at 1:56 am
Oct 012020

If you want an example of “why don’t the cops rely on tasers” coupled with “why did they shoot him more than once,” well, Chicago delivers:

I was always reasonably sure that a taser, if it hit a guy, would stand a *real* good chance of immobilizing him. But added, ummm, mass seems to provide a cushion of sorts. And that guy took a *long* time to fall once they started riddling him with holes. I suspect pharmaceuticals may have played a role.

The Twitter video goes a few seconds longer and is substantially more graphic. If you’re in the mood to see someone shot in the throat shooting up a geyser of blood, hey, this is your lucky day:




 Posted by at 11:06 pm
Oct 012020

The classic Niven version, as rendered a full decade ago. You know, in the “before times.”



in short: ringworlds are damned impressive megastructures that, unfortunately, cannot be made from any known material or any reasonably conceivable material. The general description is that the structural material would need to have tensile strangth about that of nuclear force holding atomic nuclei together. If you can handwave *that,* here’s a way to build a structure with the surface gravity, temperature and atmospheric pressure of Earth, but with three million times the livable area.

 Posted by at 2:45 pm
Oct 012020

Some people just refuse to learn valuable lessons from the Covington Blood Libel: slander/libel private citizens and there are these things called “lawyers” who will come to take yer money.

Kyle Rittenhouse to sue Biden, campaign for libel, attorney says

At the very least, if the criminal case against Rittenhouse gets *anywhere* with a jury, his lawyers would seem to have a case for a mistrial due to the fact that a Presidential candidate – and possibly the next ex-President – went before the entire population of the United States and implied that their client is a Naughty Person.

 Posted by at 9:15 am