Oct 082020

Recent months have seen a  lot of histrionics about “right wing domestic terrorism,” including tarring the Proud Boys as white supremacists, while kinda ignoring the fact that their leader is this guy:

Yeah, not exactly standard white supremacist leadership material, but, hey, what are facts doing trying to get in the way of a narrative?

So, after half a year of leftists doing billions in property damage, directly murdering dozens and indirectly murdering hundreds to thousands by:

  1. Tying up police and fire resources
  2. Advocating for the defunding of police, in many cases succeeding, leading to greatly reduced policing in many areas

… the media continues to enable leftist violence and mayhem and murder while screeching about nearly universally phantom right wing violence. Until today! Finally, something for them to crow about!

13 charged in plot to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer

Michigan Attorney General Dana Nessel said:
“The individuals in (state) custody are suspected to have attempted to identify the home addresses of law enforcement officers in order to target them, made threats of violence intended to instigate a civil war, and engaged in planning and training for an operation to attack the capitol building of Michigan and to kidnap government officials, including the governor of Michigan.”
Yes, indeed, bad people planning bad things. But take the first two claims: targeting law enforcement officers and threatening violent insurrection. UMMMMMMM… hello, ALL THE REST OF 2020???
 Posted by at 5:27 pm