Oct 052020

I gotta admit this seems strange. All the news coming out with conflicting stories about how well – or poorly – he’s doing, that he’s taking steroids that are to be used only for those CommieCough sufferers whose lung function has been badly compromised (but which screws up the immune system), that his oxygen levels have fallen several times or that he’s doing just great… it’s all a bit odd. I won’t be too surprised if it turns out that a whole lot of lefties become convinced that he didn’t actually have Covid, that this was all a show. Because if Trump wanted to show how tough he was, being in the hospital for like two days then returning to work apparently hale and hearty would be just the way to do it.

Of course he could be feeling as bad as Joe Bidens thought process or Kamala Harris’s policy positions sound, and it’s only the very latest in advanced meds that makes him look like he’s doing fine. That it’s all a show to project strength and vitality that ain’t really there. Well, if that’s a problem for ya, I got one thing to show you:

Because what the United States needed during the Great Depression and World War II was a constant hammering home that the President was as physically weak as his financial policies. Clearly the way to confront dire threats at home and abroad is to depress the hell out of everybody.

 Posted by at 7:39 pm