Oct 072020

Bad ideas are universal. Witness “Ronan Point,” a remarkable British example of housing done wrong. Like Cabrini Green and Pruitt-Igoe, this was an idea for stacking as many people as possible as cheaply as possible, with the result that workmanship was criminally shoddy. Humans are not meant to be packed into dense little areas, as recent examples of American cities bursting into flames attest.

Lesson: if your city is overcrowded, instead of densepacking people look for ways to offload people. For starters: don’t import masses that not only you don;t need, but that you cannot afford.

 Posted by at 7:16 pm
Oct 072020

Gucci is getting in on the ground floor of Gropey Joe’s America, where “Manhood” will be a bad thing:

Tartan cotton long smock shirt

Style ‎632536 ZAFDL 7261

Inspired by grunge looks from the ‘90s and styled over ripped denim pants, this tartan smock in delicate colours reflects the idea of fluidity explored for the Fall Winter 2020 fashion show, disrupting the toxic stereotypes that mold masculine gender identity. The contrast Peter Pan collar and smock embroidery on the front add a childhood inspired element, which ties to a recurrent theme of the collection. Pieces with versatile ways to wear and style embrace each person who is part of the House’s individual spirit.


The price of this Stunning And Brave “look at me, I’m confused” uniform? A mere € 1,900, or about $2,236 in the financial units that sent Men to the Moon. Don’t worry, though… if the man in your life – and that could be you – wears this, he’s not going to be drafted to go to the Moon and fight for humanity’s future.

Below: a visual representation of what “dead inside.”

Lest you think that this is Gucci’s way of jumping on the “let’s emasculate white men” bandwagon, they seem to hate *all* males of every race. Behold:

Yup, you read that correctly: “impotent.” Trust that someone, somewhere, will actually spend good money on that and wear it proudly.

 Posted by at 6:06 pm
Oct 052020

I gotta admit this seems strange. All the news coming out with conflicting stories about how well – or poorly – he’s doing, that he’s taking steroids that are to be used only for those CommieCough sufferers whose lung function has been badly compromised (but which screws up the immune system), that his oxygen levels have fallen several times or that he’s doing just great… it’s all a bit odd. I won’t be too surprised if it turns out that a whole lot of lefties become convinced that he didn’t actually have Covid, that this was all a show. Because if Trump wanted to show how tough he was, being in the hospital for like two days then returning to work apparently hale and hearty would be just the way to do it.

Of course he could be feeling as bad as Joe Bidens thought process or Kamala Harris’s policy positions sound, and it’s only the very latest in advanced meds that makes him look like he’s doing fine. That it’s all a show to project strength and vitality that ain’t really there. Well, if that’s a problem for ya, I got one thing to show you:

Because what the United States needed during the Great Depression and World War II was a constant hammering home that the President was as physically weak as his financial policies. Clearly the way to confront dire threats at home and abroad is to depress the hell out of everybody.

 Posted by at 7:39 pm
Oct 052020

Biden supporter gives a show of hands:

Biden supporters provide their most deeply thought-out arguments, the best their intellects could manage:

“An idea” attacks a woman, drags her to the ground and attempts to steal her stuff:

I do wonder why the men around her didn’t come to her aid a bit more vigorously.



 Posted by at 7:16 pm
Oct 052020

How Much Cheaper Are SpaceX Reusable Rockets? Now We Know

A direct price list apparently isn’t available, but the authors attempt to put together what the cost of the reusable Falcon 9 will be once all the government contracting is figured out: originally $62 million, now potentially $36 million. With a payload to LEO (with a reusable booster) of 34,400 pounds that works out to $1,047 per pound. Still a tad high to horse my dead ass into orbit for a weekend jaunt, but a substantial improvement over anything else out there, save perhaps boosters that are massively subsidized by governments. SLS will reportedly cost $2 *BILLION* or so per launch (not counting development cost) in order to plop 290,000 pounds into LEO… a cost of $6896 per pound.

Starship/Super Heavy is hoped to be able to put 100,000 pounds in LEO for $2,000,000. This optimistic goal works out to 20 dollars per pound… cheap enough to dream of any of us seeing space (or, perhaps, at least our still-warm corpses, having keeled over from heart failure or a stroke on the way up as the vibration and G-forces crush our bodies as badly as 2020 has crushed out spirits). But it will be quite a while before people are buying steerage class tickets to LEO.

 Posted by at 6:47 pm
Oct 052020

Biden Beauty” claims to be selling a “makeup sponge” as well as flacking Gropey Joe for President. I have no idea what the design specifications for such a device are, but I’ve seen enough of the weird side of the internet to know what this thing actually looks like:

The fact that one of the nicknames of Joe Biden is “Plugs” makes this all the more… ahhhh… odd.

Is this for real? Is it satire? I honestly  don’t know. The fact that the things costs TWENTY BUCKS argues for it being satire… or it argues that the same people who rail against the “pink tax” would be willing to throw buckets of cash at pennies worth of foamed polymer and thus should not be relied upon to opine rationally on fiscal responsibility.


Also not helpful in the “real or satire” debate are the pictures the website has up showing the results of their product. I mean, honestly… this could be a Biden supporter just as easily as a satire of a Biden supporter:

 Posted by at 6:25 pm
Oct 052020

I have previously mentioned the possibility that if Harris/Biden wins in November, right wingers will do to left wingers what left wingers have been doing for the last four years… i.e. “behave badly.” Here’s some polling to back that up:

Americans Increasingly Believe Violence is Justified if the Other Side Wins

In September, 44 percent of Republicans and 41 percent of Democrats said there would be at least “a little” justification for violence if the other party’s nominee wins the election. Those figures are both up from June, when 35 percent of Republicans and 37 percent of Democrats expressed the same sentiment.

If this poll is accurate, Republican now agree that violence would be justified. The differences are meager, though… pretty much equal, within a reasonable margin of error. the only really big difference is in the category of “very liberal vs very conservative” on the issue of there being a “great deal” of justification for violence if their side loses. 26% of veryLibs vs 16% of veryCons would seem quite enthusiastic to see some violence.

So will this pan out? We’ve seen a third of a year of nonstop leftist violence in this country, people using fantasies about mythical episodes of police racist violence as an excuse to try to destroy the country in order to put in its place a racist, totalitarian communist state. So if Harris/Biden win, will right wingers flip the script and start burning down cities? An important difference: up to this point, leftists have largely been working to destroy the infrastructure and economies of both minority communities and white-majority leftist-majority communities. If right wingers take on the task of violence… I kinda see them going after the *same* *exact* targets. I don’t see right wingers burning down their own homes and businesses and employers.

And on the topic of turnabout: here is Comrade Bernie blathering on (to a crowd of crickets, from the looks of it) about how he supports Gropey Joe because Gropey Joe will help institute economic policies to help impoverish and dis-employ the poor and low-skilled (doubtless while importing millions more unemployed and unskilled). Nothing unusual there until an old lady comes along and disrupts his speech by holding up a flag. She commits no acts of violence… doesn’t chuck a rock, doesn’t set anything on fire, doesn’t shine a laser in anyones eyes, doesn’t break any windows, doesn’t attack anybody. But by simply holding up a flag Comrade Bernie gets shut down until the supporters of Bernie shove her to the ground and steal her stuff. Thus kinda proving her point…


 Posted by at 4:41 pm
Oct 032020

I’m not baffled that Apple has decided to make a “Snoopy” TV show. Digging up old cartoons and rebooting them is half of what Hollywood does these days. What *is* baffling is that the show looks, to my tired old eyes, almost exactly like the Snoopy cartoons shows and specials and movies from when I was a kid. Where is the 3D CGI? Where are the lens flares? Where is the “all new, all modern, all grimdark” we’ve come to expect? Apart from an upgrade in resolution, this really does look like exactly the animation style from 40 + years ago.


 Posted by at 7:22 pm
Oct 032020

The “Colossus” was a proposed cargo aircraft from the early 1970’s by the “Turbo Three” corporation. It was to be made from a mix of new parts and old… the nose of a C-97, the wings of the Turbo Three “Virtus,” an even bigger plane designed to carry the Space Shuttle. I have made the full-rez of the art below, along with a 600-dpi scan of the three-view that went with it, available to above-$10 Patron/subscribers.



If this sort of thing is of interest, sign up either for the APR Patreon or the APR Monthly Historical Documents Program.

 Posted by at 7:09 pm