Mar 232021

This is an interesting looking aircraft, an electric VTOL “air taxi.” it looks like it sprang from the mind of Burt Rutan. No so sure about those vertical lift rotors, though. The range of the Beta Technologies “Alia-250” is to be 250 nautical miles, at which point it needs to recharge. Not sure how long *that* would take; if cars are anything to judge by, it could easily be a number of hours. I wonder how well the aircraft would perform if the batteries were replaced with a small turboshaft engine driving a generator. I also wonder how well it would perform if you removed all the pilot and passenger accommodations, made it autonomous, and loaded it with anti-tank missiles.

 Posted by at 2:34 pm
Mar 232021

Let’s see how they twist this into more “white supremacist violence:”

Suspect in Colorado grocery store shooting charged with 10 counts of murder, police say

Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, the 21-year-old suspect in Monday’s massacre at the King Soopers supermarket in the Colorado city of Boulder, faces 10 counts of murder in the first degree, Boulder Police Chief Maris Herold said Tuesday.

Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa. You can’t get a more MAGA-riffic name than that.

It should be interesting to see the demographics of the victims. (UPDATE: see the end of the post) What I’ve seen so far all indicate a particular ethnic group. Will violence against that particular ethnic group be called out and denounced by the media and out Political Leaders?

UPDATE: A whole bunch of Twitter blue check marks outed themselves as racists… including President Harris’ niece.

UPDATE: This should be considered hearsay until it’s not (I trust “unnamed sources as much as anyone who heard “unnamed sources” claim that Trump colluded with the Russians):

UPDATE: the victims.

All the same ethnicity. Will the media wail about the rise in violence against that ethnicity?

 Posted by at 11:57 am
Mar 232021

So as the new Harris/Biden administration came in, they and their allies in Congress started a push for new gun control, up to and including making it a federal crime to own what you already own. But there hasn’t been a lot of forward motion on these bills.

So all of a sudden…

1 Police Officer Among 10 Killed In Boulder King Soopers Shooting

Which follows on from:

8 Dead in Atlanta Spa Shootings, With Fears of Anti-Asian Bias

I suspect that the Alex Jones types will start yapping about these being planned attacks intended to bolster the gun grabber agenda. That seems incredibly unlikely to me, though the timing seems interesting. Less likely than Lefties planning and carrying out attacks like this is the idea that Lefties being in powwer drives whackos slightly more whacko.

Normal day-to-day murders do not float gun grabbers boat, because reasons. But mass shootings? They’ll be on that like a fat kid on a Twix. As a general rule, I never trust any politician or political movement or ideology that thrives on disaster and tragedy. But the fact that I don’t like ’em doesn’t mean they don’t exist or aren’t effective.

UPDATE: And the inevitable totalitarian power-grab:

Thought you were having difficulty finding ammo *now*?

 Posted by at 12:58 am
Mar 222021

Once again Project Veritas does the job the rest of the media refuses to, showing how the Biden/Harris administration is stacking up kids in cages like cheap foil-wrapped gas station burritos.

A lot of these illegals are infected with Covid… and they are being packed together. And *then* they’ll be shipped out to various locations across the US, generally “red state” regions. Feel free to guess whether or not this will be interpreted as the administration carrying out an act of biological warfare against red states. Rather than deporting them back across the border, they’re being flown north to near the Canadian border among other places; a further $86 million is being spent to procure hotel rooms in Texas and Arizona to house  illegal aliens. Note that the aliens aren’t paying for these rooms… *taxpayers* are.


 Posted by at 2:23 pm
Mar 212021

The Left’s war on the future of mankind has been understood for a while, but Bernie Sanders said the quiet part out loud:

‘We need to focus on Earth’: Bernie Sanders responds to Elon Musk’s space plans with call for progressive tax

“We are in a moment in American history where two guys” – Musk and Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos – “own more wealth than the bottom 40 per cent of people in this country,” Mr Sanders said.

“That level of greed and inequality is not only immoral,” he added. “It is unsustainable.”

Mr Musk responded by saying that he is “accumulating resources to help make life multiplanetary [and] extend the light of consciousness to the stars.”

Mr Sanders then circled back on the Space X founder on Sunday: “Space travel is an exciting idea, but right now we need to focus on Earth and create a progressive tax system so that children don’t go hungry, people are not homeless and all Americans have healthcare. The level of inequality in America is obscene and a threat to our democracy.”

One of these men wants a better future for mankind. The other wants stagnation and squalor from now until the sun dies.

Sanders and his ilk and their supporters would, in a sensible world, be laughed right out of public life as the morons they are. And that’s the generous view. There’s the saying “don’t attribute to malice what can be explained with incompetence,” and there’s a lot of validity to that. But malice *does* exist, and it is more and more difficult to explain away the far lefts’ damaging policies and beliefs as being purely the result of being naive idiots. More and more the explanation that many of them are legitimately crazy or – witness a certain Representative from California – bedding the enemy. What’s Sanders story? He was buddy-buddy with the Soviets back in the day. He was a fellow traveler with their policies.  While the Soviets are properly in the dustbin of history, sadly their hatred of the United States and capitalism survives. Those who screech the loudest about “fascism” should be looked at with skepticism for their acceptance of and often support of socialism. If western civilization survives and leaves the Earth, it will look back on socialism and socialists as cancerous burdens gratefully left behind.

 Posted by at 11:22 pm
Mar 212021

From Not The Bee:

Get a load of all the “genders” New York University lists on this survey

The thing to really ponder: you *know* that there are “genders” that got left off the list. Every day new, exciting nonsensical “genders” are being cranking out by the kind of people who have a definite problem with objective reality, and there are people out there with sufficiently fragile egos that they’ll glom onto the Latest Thing in order to make themselves seem – at least to themselves – “special.” And when they see that their preferred “gender” isn’t on this list… just *imagine* the outrage.

 Posted by at 3:38 pm