Mar 192021


David Hogg’s Pillow Company Seems to Have Already Failed

If he *really* wanted to make money, he would have started an ammunition company. But that would require actually doing work and turning out a quality product reliably, on time and in appropriate quantities. A vaporware pillow company, on the other hand, only needs to bring in a lot of initial investment. After that? Well… who knows.

 Posted by at 11:10 pm
Mar 192021


This thing works *way* better than I would have thought. Further interestingness: apart from the plastic film and the rubber band, there’s nothing here that would have been unachievable by the Romans or any other iron or even bronze-age civilization, and there is probably a low-tech alternative for the plastic film (silk, maybe? Really thin paper?). The rubber band could have been replicated by pre-Columbian MesoAmericans since they were already makign things out of latex rubber; *maybe* Old World cultures could have made rubber from African sources, or used sinew or something.


 Posted by at 9:42 pm
Mar 192021

Kamala Harris has openly admitted to smoking pot and has called for its legalization. And Biden probably *aught* to blaze up. But then…


Biden White House Sandbags Staffers, Sidelines Dozens for Pot Use

Dozens of young White House staffers have been suspended, asked to resign, or placed in a remote work program due to past marijuana use, frustrating staffers who were pleased by initial indications from the Biden administration that recreational use of cannabis would not be immediately disqualifying for would-be personnel, according to three people familiar with the situation.

The policy has even affected staffers whose marijuana use was exclusive to one of the 14 states—and the District of Columbia—where cannabis is legal. …

In some cases, staffers were informally told by transition higher-ups ahead of formally joining the administration that they would likely overlook some past marijuana use, only to be asked later to resign.

Huh. I have some difficulty in understanding just what the Biden administration thinks they’re going to achieve here. It seems unlikely that they’re going to turn the staffers who just got stabbed in the back into even more devoted servants of the cause. A hatred of pot smoking seems unlikely to be widespread among modern Democratic Socialists and shanking a bunch of low-level staffers isn’t going to buy the Administration any brownie points with the weak and ineffectual Republicans. So… WTF.

 Posted by at 3:03 pm
Mar 192021

Maybe next time, “President” Harris…

Perhaps he’s trying to emulate Gerald Ford. A good choice: one term, replaced in the next election by someone of the other party. However, Ford was a guy you could respect, so in that area Biden’s falling down on the job.

UPDATE: Your new dance craze!

 Posted by at 2:31 pm
Mar 192021

A video on the Douglas ICARUS/Ithacus, a 1960’s concept for a rocket vehicle to lob 1200 Marines anywhere on the planet in 45 minutes:

This video is based in large part on the article I wrote and illustrated in Aerospace projects Review issue V2N6, AVAILABLE HERE.

Why not sign on for the Aerospace Projects Review Patreon, why not? You’ll not only help make sure that this sort of research is done, you’ll get a fat stack of monthly rewards int he form of aerospace documentation.

 Posted by at 10:26 am