Mar 252021

City of Oakland Mayor is branded racist for giving families of color $500 a month if they earn under $59,000 with no rules on how they spend it – but offering poor white families nothing

Doling out cash to people based on their race seems like it would slam up against “equal protection” and “nondiscrimination” laws.

Another article:

Oakland launches guaranteed pay plan for low-income people

The mayor of Oakland, California, on Tuesday announced a privately funded program that will give low-income families of color $500 per month with no rules on how they can spend it.

“Of Color” means “everyone but white people.” Or at least it used to: recently Asians have been declared  by the Woke to be white due to their “privilege” (which seems to come from rather enthusiastically embracing this thing called a “work ethic”). It should be interesting to see how Oakland goes about deciding who is sufficiently non-white, how fast the lawsuits come out, how big the army of attack lawyers will be, and how soaked the taxpayers of Oakland will end up. If I was paying property taxes in Oakland, I’d consider *not* being taxable in Oakland just as fast as possible.

 Posted by at 9:43 pm
Mar 252021

Lighting the candles on a birthday cake by overlighting the candles:

I assume that this was nowhere near a full thrust test, likely just a low-power ignition test. Otherwise it would have vaporized the cake and the stand it was on. And then… oy. Imagine the environmental impact statements.

 Posted by at 3:59 pm
Mar 252021

People are still trying to either reboot or sequelize “The Last Starfighter.” That was very much a  movie of its time; the computer generated visual effects were reasonably dazzling in their day but are woefully antiquated today, and the story and characters are monumentally wide-eyed innocents compared to today’s grotty, cynical mire of sleaze and grimdark. Making a reboot of it would almost certainly be a massive failure of “Ghostbusters” and “Total Recall” and “Star Trek Discovery” proportions. But… get the right people on board, I could get behind a sequel. And it seems that some of the right people are trying:

The Last Starfighter’s Potential Sequel Now Has a Sizzle Reel for Hollywood’s Consideration

Gary Whitta, writer of The Book of Eli and Rogue One, has been working with Last Starfighter writer Jonathan Betuel on bringing the 1984 classic back to life for years now. Today, he hopped on his Twitch stream to say the film is closer than it’s ever been to fruition. It’s “right on the one-yard line” he said, and he believes it will happen.

Well, we’ll see. The “sizzle reel” is just a collection of very, very preliminary concept art, showing generic scenes of a modestly evolved version of the Gunstar, with a few showing a return to the trailer court. This would indicate a likely return of the character of Alex… *hopefully* still played by Lance Guest and with any luck at all also including Maggie played by Catherine Mary Stewart. The modern Hollywood thing to do would be to say that those two got married, had a kid, got divorced, and now their kid has fallen to the Bad Side and is leading the Bad Guys. It would be terribly politically incorrect to show them in a healthy, happy marriage with a passel of kids – now likely with kids of their own, it having been about 40 years – leading cheerful, successful lives experiencing the wonders of the universe even if they do have to face down enemies from the stars.

Sadly, three of the stars of the movie are no longer with us. Robert Preston (“Centauri”)  and Dan O’Herlihy (“Grig”) died *years* ago. And Rob Cobb, who designed the Gunstar and the Starcar and pretty  much everything else in the movie (along with doing amazing work on “Conan the Barbarian” and “Alien” and “Aliens” and a whole bunch of other stuff) died just last year. Whoever does the production design for the sequel had best be on their game.

On vaguely related matters:

Some movies like “2001” and “Forbidden Planet” need to be left the hell alone. Tinkering with them is heresy on par with knocking down statues of Lincoln or scribbling on the Constitution. Other movies… I’d pay real money to see a Revised Version with wholly updated VFX. For example, “Firefox.” That’s a movie that could benefit substantially from having all of the aerial sequences replaced with all-new footage. It’s a reasonably good spy movie as-is, if a bit on the glacially slow side, but the scenes of the Firefox in flight… uuuugh. The full scale Firefox mockup? Spectacular. Don’t touch it. But the flying scenes could be improved, and, why not, expanded. Let’s finally see the MiG 31 Firefox in all its glory.

There are other movies that are not even remotely classics, and I say “improve the frak out of ’em.” If you have seen “Meteor” in the last couple decades, you probably noticed just how half-assed the model work was. I mean… just *awful.* Even by the standards of the late 70’s, it was just embarrassingly lazy stuff. All that could be easily replaced and improved by a film student and a laptop. Imagine what a budget of, say, half a million could do.

A case can be made for doing Special Editions of episodes of the original “Battlestar Galactica” and “Buck Rogers.”

What else?

 Posted by at 3:46 pm
Mar 242021

“We’re not coming to take your guns”/”We’re coming to take your guns”

The most recent news article shown in that video:

Biden Administration Urges Supreme Court To Let Cops Enter Homes And Seize Guns Without A Warrant

The case in question dates from an incident back in 2015. But the Biden/Harris CCP Caretaker Administration wanting the Supreme Court to uphold the idea of warrantless firearm confiscations (along with warrantless searches of homes) just because the government and its agents want to disarm a law-abiding citizen. This would be a blatant violation not only of the Second Amendment but the Fourth as well.

Why even continue with the pretense of a Constitution at that point?


 Posted by at 5:36 pm
Mar 242021

An Aerojet illustration of an interceptor designed to take out targets such as incoming nuclear warheads by the simple expedient of ramming into them at several kilometers per second, the old “hitting a bullet with a bullet” cliche.


 Posted by at 2:06 am
Mar 232021

City student passes 3 classes in four years, ranks near top half of class with 0.13 GPA

The student got a B in PE, and D’s in English I and Health Ed I. Failed *everything* else. The mother was aware of this. And now that the student is approaching the date when he should have graduated high school, he’s been informed that he will have to repeat *all* of High School, straight back to 9th grade. *Hundreds* of students this school have failed worse than this one. After essentially failing English 1 (he got a D-), he was promoted to English 2. Which he failed. And was then promoted to English 3. Which he failed. He was absent or late 272 times.

The video at the link is entertainingly depressing in a “this is the future” sort of way. Shockingly, the mother claims that her lil’ scholar didn’t “deserve” to be failed. She blames the school for this. The says that her son feels like a failure… and that he *shouldn’t* feel like that. Even though… ummm… he’s a failure. How else to describe someone who got a 0.13 and basically ditched school? “Who do he turn to?” she asks, making it clear right off how someone can fail English. “Don’t he get a chance?” she ax, missing the point that he had four years worth of chances.

The former principal of the school was placed on administrative leave for 17 months while an investigation was carried out. During that time, she made $190,000.

The “city” in question is Baltimore.

The student failed.

The parent(s) failed.

The school failed.

The city government failed.

The voters who kept voting for the machine running Baltimore failed.

The political party running Baltimore is the same one that wants to have complete control over who gets to exercise Constitutional rights.

I’ve mentioned before that I have a fix for this sort of thing. To all appearances, this was a student who wads not only failed by the system and his family, he seemed to have no interest in doing any of the schoolwork himself. OK, fine. For such students, let them out at the end of, say, the 10th grade. tehn let them enter the work force. A few options:

1: Get a real job. Flip burgers, dig ditches, whatever.

2: Go in the the new Works Projects Administration. He and a few hundred thousand or million of his like-mined non-academics can receive pay and training and room and board from the government, and get a chance to see the country. They’d get loaded onto buses or trains and shipped to rural areas to work the farms, doing the jobs that illegal aliens did before the laws were finally enforced and they were all deported.

3: Do nothing. Fine, it’s a free country, can’t, shouldn’t and won’t force anyone to do anything. But also, no welfare of any kind. Ever.

4: After six months of uninterrupted employment or WPA service, they can elect to go back to school… where they will maintain at least a 2.0 GPA and a spotless behavioral record. Or back to the WPA.

 Posted by at 10:48 pm
Mar 232021

Obama blasts ‘cowardly’ GOP for blocking gun-control laws limiting ‘weapons of war’ amid Boulder mass shooting

“But we can make it harder for those with hate in their hearts to buy weapons of war”

How can you make it harder? Weapons of war tend to cost TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS for American citizens, along with onerous and rights-stomping regulations. “Weapons of war” are almost never used criminally in the United States.

Go away, Barack. You’ve done enough damage to this country. Your legacy of economic and cultural disaster lives on in BidenHarris; let that be enough for you. Don’t add “helped start a civil war” to your ignominious list of disastrous achievements.

 Posted by at 6:34 pm