Mar 252021

City of Oakland Mayor is branded racist for giving families of color $500 a month if they earn under $59,000 with no rules on how they spend it – but offering poor white families nothing

Doling out cash to people based on their race seems like it would slam up against “equal protection” and “nondiscrimination” laws.

Another article:

Oakland launches guaranteed pay plan for low-income people

The mayor of Oakland, California, on Tuesday announced a privately funded program that will give low-income families of color $500 per month with no rules on how they can spend it.

“Of Color” means “everyone but white people.” Or at least it used to: recently Asians have been declared  by the Woke to be white due to their “privilege” (which seems to come from rather enthusiastically embracing this thing called a “work ethic”). It should be interesting to see how Oakland goes about deciding who is sufficiently non-white, how fast the lawsuits come out, how big the army of attack lawyers will be, and how soaked the taxpayers of Oakland will end up. If I was paying property taxes in Oakland, I’d consider *not* being taxable in Oakland just as fast as possible.

 Posted by at 9:43 pm