May 252022

Oh Noes! AI are going to…

1) Take Yur Jerb

2) Overthrow humanity

3) Make truly effective Marilyn Monrobots, leading to the slow extinction of Man

And now…

AI Can Predict People’s Race From X-Ray Images, And Scientists Are Concerned

If machines can reliably tell White folks from Black at a 90% success rate based purely on just X-ray images, that would tend to indicate that “race is just a social construct” is as inaccurate a statement as reasonable people have known it is. The curious thing is, the researchers don’t know *how* the AI is able to figure this out. There is some difference that the machine sees that human experts can’t.

The “concern” here isn’t that “uh oh, this machine is smarter in some ways than we are,” but “uh oh, this machine might make distinctions that we’re are officially not supposed to notice unless the situation calls for it.”

The report seems to indicate that only White and Black races were included in the study. A whole lot more work would be needed, I imagine, before the AI can distinguish White from Black from Mayan from Pakistani from Japanese from Inuit from Berber.

 Posted by at 5:35 pm
May 242022

Here we go again:

15 killed in shooting at Uvalde elementary school; gunman dead, Gov. Abbott says

Rather amazingly, they’ve already released the ID of the shooter: 18 year old Salvador Romas. I suspect that might be an attempt to get ahead of the inevitable political narrative that pops up about this sort of thing. A narrative that’s usually wrong, but serves a purpose.

If you were thinking about buying an AR-15 and/or mags and/or ammo… it’s *really* time to get on that. The politighouls will be all over this; there’s nothing professional gun grabbers love more than dead children. It’s unclear what weapons were used… a handgun almost certainly and *perhaps* a rifle. He seemed to have at least two AR-15’s, based on the social media posts he made.

Salvador Ramos: Suspect in Uvalde Elementary School Shooting

 Posted by at 5:05 pm
May 242022

Well how about this:

World’s fastest passenger jet goes supersonic in tests

… a Global 7500 test vehicle broke the sound barrier during a demonstration flight last May, achieving speeds of more than Mach 1.015.

Huh. I would *assume* that a power-dive might have been involved, but it’s still impressive. The Bombardier Global 8000 is planned to enter service in 2025, have a range of 8,000 nautical miles, carry 19 passengers and fly at Mach 0.94 (top speed).

 Posted by at 4:54 pm
May 242022

This makes for an interesting read:

SFWA eats their own: Mercedes Lackey is made Grand Master, banned from Nebulas on same day

The SFWA is the formerly respected “Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America,” presenters of the formerly respected Nebula Award. Mercedes Lackey is a… well, I guess now *formerly* respected writer of left-leaning science fiction, quite popular and successful, and now her reputation and potential future career could be trashed because she off-handedly referred to a black guy as “colored” rather than “person of color.” She’s 72. I suspect she spent a good many formative decades in a time when “colored” was the preferred term. So now the SFWA and the baying ghouls who populate it and Twitter are out for the blood of an old lady who many of them, five minutes earlier, considered a hero because she had gay characters in her stories back in the 80’s.

According to her husband, whose Twitter account virtue signals at a professional level, she has been badly emotionally damaged by the treatment she’s received. You tear up old people, sometimes you break them. I wonder just how happy and proud these bargain bin revenants will be if they manage to bring her to an end. I suspect “a lot.”

Here’s a potential explanation as to why so much of modern science fiction seems so awful: the gatekeepers have changed from the people who know what they’re doing and are good at it… to just whoever. And that invites the political whackaloons.

As the creep of leftist identity politics has spread throughout the organization, a startling erosion of quality came with it. This is perhaps most objectively apparent in their membership qualifications, which were changed in May of 2014. Until then, to be considered for “Active membership”, an applicant had to have sold three pieces of short fiction at a 8c per word or one book for $2,000 or more in a Qualifying Professional Market (in other words, a top-tier publisher like Tor or Del Ray). 

It was after this time that the “Associate Member” tier was introduced, which came with a gallingly low bar for entry – one paid sale of short fiction at a pro rate OR one that has been self-published, or published by an indie or small press for an amount equivalent to 8c per word. In other words, slap a thousand words or more up on Kindle, fork over your $90 annual fee, and you get to vote on the finalists for the Nebulas.

 Posted by at 1:54 pm
May 242022

Another “western scientific tradition rocks, suck it supernaturalists” success story:

Icelandic man, 49, who underwent the world’s first double arm and shoulder transplant 16 months ago reveals he’s now able to lift weights at the gym and hug his grandchildren after making miraculous recovery

He got his arms amputated after they were electrocuted back in the 90’s, and replaced a year and a half ago. And now he’s not only gaining movement in them, but sensation as well.

Soon: cloned arms, no worry of rejection.

There’s an old observation: you might see a lot of abandoned crutches piled up around a faith healer or a witch doctor… but you won’t see many prosthetic legs or eye patches.

 Posted by at 1:57 am
May 232022

Stealing washing machines is weird, but it’s understandable if you assume that they have no basic appliances back home. But stealing pets is done purely out of malice.

 Posted by at 4:38 pm
May 232022

This image brought to you by SCIENCE:

#WeatherWednesday On rare summer nights, ethereal forms leap into the skies above distant thunderstorms. Alien invaders? Not quite: it’s a jellyfish sprite, an extremely brief and rarely captured event associated with incredibly powerful lightning strikes. This event occurred above a powerful storm about 100 miles away as seen from McDonald Observatory on July 2nd, 2020. Image Credit: @hummel_stephen
This guys astrophotography is the sort of stuff that makes a social media platform like Instragram actually have some value. Take a look:
 Posted by at 3:03 pm