May 222022

‘Completely inappropriate’: ‘Jurassic Park’ stars Laura Dern and Sam Neill reflect on 20-year age gap

Laura Dern now feels that the twenty or so year age gap between her and Sam Neill was “inappropriate” in “Jurassic Park.” If she was a teenager and he was pushing 40 and they were romantically hooked up… sure. But she was in her mid twenties *and* their relationship was not shown to be romantic but professional.


 Posted by at 6:40 pm
May 222022

At this point it’s safe to assume that he’s well. Let’s hope that he has a feeling of security and happiness that the two monsters who sicced dogs on him never feel again.

FYI, here’s Banshee. She complains a LOT. But she will, with any luck, never know any real hardship or trouble again:

 Posted by at 6:35 pm
May 222022

First foreign baby formula shipment set to arrive Sunday

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack will be on hand to receive 132 pallets of formula produced by Switzerland’s Nestle S.A. set to arrive in Indianapolis, the White House said Saturday.

132 pallets, huh? Wow. That might cover one good sized city for… what? A month?

I guess it’s a good thing that Americans have stopped having babies, because apparently we can’t feed them ourselves anymore. But *of* *course,* we can provide for illegal invaders. Yes, we should feed those in detention. But… they should leave detention as quickly as possible. Preferably on aircraft flying directly to Tierra del Fuego or points south. In a time of crisis in the US – and even in good times – illegal aliens should be deported ASAP.

I’ve visited a number of WalMarts and grocery stores lately, and the “baby formula” aisles look about like the “toilet paper” aisles during early 2020.


It seems that the root cause of the baby formula shortage was *one* Abbott factory in Michigan shutting down due to contamination concerns back in February, and not yet back up and running. Why are things so concentrated that one single factory can control the fates of so many Americans? Shouldn’t this sort of thing have more localized and widely distributed production? That one factory could fail for any of a number of reasons, including but not limited to accidental fires, Mostly Peaceful Protests, the spiking price of gas shutting down transport to and/or from.

And as always, you can count on the far left extremists to take this situation and go absolutely whackaloon. Take, for example, this article from Vox:

The many, many costs of breastfeeding

It is basically a propaganda piece extolling the evils of breastfeeding, compared to the good and proper approach of formula-feeding. While some of the points are valid, it’s worth noting that the world “mother” never once appears in the article. Nor do “woman” or “women,” odd omissions given the subject of the article. The closest they come is “birthing parent.” Even then, that only appears in a single panel of a cartoon explaining that if a “birth parent” doesn’t want to breastfeed its infant, it shouldn’t have to, full stop. Because the needs of a dependent human are less important the the shallow desires of someone else. Which logic I’d be interested in seeing deployed against, say, dependent humans such as prisoners and welfare recipients. How about men who simply “don’t want to” pay child support or alimony? I just got hit with a massive property tax bill. I don’t want to pay it. Would Vox be equally as sanguine about my desire to not take care of the responsibilities that I willingly signed up for?


Storytime: an EMP weapon goes off a few hundred kilometers over the central US, shutting down virtually *all* production lines in a thousand-mile radius for a span of a year or so. Fill in the rest.

 Posted by at 5:33 pm
May 212022

This website is full of interesting information:

Their main page has a mugshot photo of every (known) mass shooter in the US for 2021, using this metric:

Every person convicted, charged or wanted in connection with the shooting of 4+ people or who died before they could be charged
409 of 636 (64%) mass shootings in 2021 have no known suspect

Click on the individual pic of the perpetrator (at the website, not the image below) and it pulls up their info; hover over the pic and it gives you their name, number wounded, number killed. The image below aggregates all the mugshots into one view.

The site breaks down some interesting statistics:

It also breaks things down by states and cities. Lo and behold, Illinois is the worst state… because Chicago is the worst city. Chicago had 55. The second place city, Philadelphia, only had 18.

In 2019, 508 were killed; 518 in 2020; 649 in 2021. “Defund the Police” did a fantastic job.

 Posted by at 11:14 pm
May 212022

Much can be said derisively about the Boeing Starliner, but you can’t deny that it looks spiffy on-orbit.

Starliner is not yet ready to fly passengers to ISS, certainly not paying private tourists, still, it’s a step in the direction of granting the US redundant flight capability.



 Posted by at 3:03 pm
May 202022

“Actor” Ezra Miller played the Flash in a few DC movies, and has played a freakin’ lunatic in real life. Here’s him getting arrested for being a violent jackass, and making a long series of nonsensical statements and demands, including that the police refer to him by his Preferred Pronouns. The police show him a lot more respect than he deserves.

More than anything else he reminds me of one of those whackadoodle “Sovereign Citizens” who knowingly breaks the law and films himself dealing with the police repercussions, trotting out a long string of pre-programmed gibberish thinking that somehow he can talk himself out of getting handcuffed and hauled to the hoosegow.


 Posted by at 4:16 pm
May 202022

Where some English fellers discuss the idea of England seceding from the UK. If this resulted in the English restoring Englishness to England and formerly English cities like London and Rotherham, I can see some value in the project.

 Posted by at 4:10 pm