May 312022


There is a new “Delorean Motor Company.” It’s not the same company that made the original DeLorean, but I guess they’ve got the rights to the brand. They say they’re working on a new car, the “Alpha V,” which is to be an electric vehicle. The actual links to the original DMC-12 seem tenuous at best… gull wing doors seem to be about it. New car doesn’t look like the old, doesn’t seem to be made out of stainless steel. I hate the wheels: trendy gigantic hubs with tires that seem about as thick as rubber bands. Probably runs great on really smooth roads; hit your first pothole and you’ll know it.


I don’t know if this is really for real, but they want a hundred and seventy five grand a pop. The website annoys me: lots of trendy babble, not so much technical information or photos of hardware.

 Posted by at 9:36 pm