Jul 032022

A 1970’s Boeing concept for a variable geometry supersonic transport. Once the Boeing 2707 was cancelled in the wake of the oil crisis, any further work on supersonic transports focused heavily on “how do we make this more fuel efficient.” One approach was to go back to variable geometry, which had been dropped from the SST program when the 2707-200 was replaced with the 2707-300. The swing-wing of the -200 worked wonders for the low speed performance of the aircraft, but played hell with cost and weight, enough so that the -300 had a fixed modified delta wing.

The solution shown below linked a few technologies. One concept that showed promise was the “oblique wing,” as tested on the AD-1. A single-piece stricture connected to the fuselage at a single pivot point; much lighter and simpler than a traditional two-pivot swing-wing. With sufficiently rigid structures – think “carbon fiber” – the forward-swept portion could remain reasonably flat even at high speed. But this concept went one step further and linked *two* fuselages to not only a single oblique wing, but also an oblique tail. This would put the “aft” fuselage behind the shock wave shed off the nose of the “forward” fuselage, greatly reducing drag. You’d have the capacity of two SSTs for the operating cost of little more than one. Neat idea… very complex. I’m not sure if it made it much further than preliminary wind tunnel testing.

Full-rez scan uploaded to the 2022-07 APR Extras folder.

 Posted by at 4:37 pm
Jul 032022

Oregon Health Officials Delayed a Meeting Because ‘Urgency Is a White Supremacy Value’

Insert half-a-joke here about hoping that these people need an ambulance someday and find that the dispatchers and drivers share their views about the importance of “urgency.”

Less jokey: they are involved in healthcare, and they don’t think that getting things done in a timely manner is a good thing.

 Posted by at 4:03 pm
Jul 022022

Long ago I took a cruise to Alaska. it was a reasonably classy affair; at the very least, no drunken brawls at 5AM that required the Coast Guard to show up and escort the ship. I guess that trip just wasn’t as culturally enriched as it could have been.


Seems to me incidents like could actually be useful: if you’re in international waters and people start acting like uncivilized savages… the Coast Guard shows up, takes said passengers, and promptly deports them to Liberia or London or some such third world hellhole. They’ll doubtless be happier there, and we’ll doubtless be happier here.

 Posted by at 10:12 pm
Jul 022022

The woman who is the subject of this video is *hilarious.* Her basic premise is silly enough, but they way she tries to come off as commanding and threatening, presuming that she has some authority over people who are not her, is knee-slapping.

Even people who are on her side on the Roe issue gotta listen to her and think…

 Posted by at 12:48 am
Jul 012022

So some guy makes an animation of a cartoonish aircraft. Fine, great, wonderful. But it’s getting an unreasonable amount of press from mainstream media who think that this is actually a serious “design” rather than what it is… just a cartoon.

Inside the nuclear-powered ‘flying hotel’ that can stay airborne for months

Inside giant flying luxury hotel that can stay in the air for years

Concept Video Imagines a Giant Nuclear-Powered Sky Hotel Airplane

Would You Take A Sky Cruise In A Nuclear Powered Flying Hotel?

It may or may not be good from a modeling and animation point of view, but it is clearly not something to be taken even remotely seriously from an engineering point of view. You might as well debate the merits of a spaceship that showed up in a “Far Side” comic.

This is modern “journalism.” The same trade that’s telling us that Trump “lunged” from the back of a limo and tried to yoink the steering wheel. Same people told us to believe without evidence “Russia collusion” and “Jan 6 was worse than 9-11.”


 Posted by at 9:49 pm