Jul 012022

Recently APR Patrons/Subscribers and I were able to successfully crowdfund the purchase of a lot off ebay that included a few folders of vintage lifting body work. The chief prize from the lot was a *giant* blueprint of a “GTV Structure,” a manned Model 176/ FDL-7 lifting body test vehicle (“GTV” was not explained, but I suspect it means something like “Glide Test Vehicle,” designed to be dropped from an NB-52). Scanning of the lot is underway; the crowdfunders now have access to the blueprint in several forms (full size, halfsize; full color, grayscale).


If you would like to help fund the acquisition and preservation of such things, please consider signing on either for the APR Patreon or the APR Monthly Historical Documents Program.

 Posted by at 6:46 pm
Jun 302022

I’ve just made the June 2022 rewards available for APR Patrons and Subscribers. This latest package includes:

Large format diagram: “X-15 Access Doors.” A North American Aviation diagram from 1956 showing all the openable panels on the port (left) side of the fuselage

Document: “Harpoon Coastal Defense System:” McDonnell Douglas brochure on a truck-launched anti-ship missile

Document: “Harpoon for Fast Patrol Boats:” McDonnell Douglas brochure on anti-ship missiles for small ships

Document: “Shorts Skyvan:” small brochure about the boxy cargo aircraft

Document: “VTOL Design – Turbojet Configurations” Northrop paper on VTOL fighters, mostly a historical review but with basic layouts for designs up to Mach 3

Document: Turbofan propaganda. A number of brochures and data sheets and such on turbofans and turbojets… PW4000, F100, JT9D-7R4, J57.

CAD diagram ($5 and up): IM-99B BOMARC surface to air missile general arrangement


If you would like to help fund the acquisition and preservation of such things, along with getting high quality scans for yourself, please consider signing on either for the APR Patreon or the APR Monthly Historical Documents Program. Back issues are available for purchase by patrons and subscribers.





 Posted by at 11:35 pm
Jun 292022

The creator is, to judge from the webcomics he puts out with a political bent, decidedly leftie. The horror comics he puts out are decidedly effective. I cannot help but think that there might be a link there.

Below are links to some of the Adam Ellis horror comics. Some good stuff. His leftie stuff… meh.

Flowers (no title seems to be given)


“Dad Buries Bodies”


“Little House In The Sea”


“It’s The Giant Gourd, Gnarly Brown” (Charlie Brown meets HP Lovecraft)




 Posted by at 8:04 pm
Jun 292022

So here we have a smooth-brained genius somewhere in India deciding that the obvious thing to do is to physically assault a cop who already has his revolver drawn. One shot, followed by a lot of caterwauling. Note to Hollywood: getting shot seems wholly un-fun, and it instantly changes the mood and tone. It is unlikely to be the sort of thing one just shrugs off.

And for those other bright sparks who constantly question “why don’t the police just aim for the legs” every time some moron serves as a bullet sponge… *this* guy caught a bullet in the leg. One bullet. Take a look at how quickly he’s spewing precious bodily fluids. I don’t know any more about this story by this one video (i.e. squadoo), but if he didn’t receive *prompt* medical attention, his next appearance in the paper was likely an obituary.

 Posted by at 8:23 am