Oct 112019

As mentioned a few days ago, “Primal” is a new animated series on Adult Swim depicting the adventures of a “cave man” and his Allosaurus-like dinosaur compadre. AS is running a new episode every night this week. I’m not certain if more episodes have been made (only five seem to be acknowledged), but they damn well better make enough episodes of this to rival “The Simpsons.”

Anyway, as previously mentioned Primal stomps on scientific accuracy by having dinosaurs from all eras alongside humans (or near-humans) and mammoths and whatnot. Given that it’s a good show, I can just shrug it off and enjoy the show for what it is. But tonights episode, “Terror Under the Blood Moon,” was different. It introduced bats substantially more massive than humans and a spider the size of a sauropod that shoots web-silk from its mouth. These are creatures that not only never existed, they never *could* have existed. So… the nerd-module activated and came to a conclusion: this isn’t Earth. This isn’t the past. And it’s not just the future… it’s a specific one. It’s George R.R. Martin’s “Thousand Worlds” universe. More specifically, it’s a world that has been terraformed by Haviland Tuf and his “seedship,” the planet given genetically created critters and monsters. The seedship had, in Martins “Tuf Voyaging,” demonstrated a capability to create a range of monsters including Tyrannosaurs, along with critters from many alien worlds and beasts of wholly new designs. It would be simplicity itself for Tuf to populate a world with critters like those in “Primal.”

Will it be revealed in some future episode that the adventures of Spear and Fang are being observed from deep space by a bald fat Aspergery guy surrounded by an army of cats? Doubtful. But it’d be a hoot if it was.

 Posted by at 12:05 am