Jul 052022

Courtesy Reddit:

My mom held a graduation party today and no one came.

Could easily be a hoax-post… perhaps the party was scheduled at 6PM, and this photo was taken at 5. Or it could be legit. In any event, for a lot of people, this sort of thing strikes a nerve:

The whole thread is *full* of this sort of thing…

My mom always said I couldn’t have bday parties because my bday is during winter break. I never questioned it. Then I realized that I had no friends and was bullied. My mom wasn’t going to humiliate me like that and wasn’t going to spend money on bullies. I had 30 kids in my class k-12, so bullying was very…targeted and specific.

When my youngest had her 7th birthday we invited her class to a party at the children’s museum. Lots of interactive things to do there…the place was like an indoor physics playground.

Nobody came. We were heartbroken. Sure, she would still have fun. But it was sad.

A couple visiting from England spotted what was happening. Their girl spent the whole time with ours, and they even bought her a birthday present from the gift shop.

I still think about that act of kindness.

I’m near retirement age and never had a birthday party in my entire life. Family was dirt poor when I was a kid, as an adult it’s a day that’s just impossible for people to attend. Always wondered what it was like for y’all.

It happens to adults too. I invited a bunch of “friends” and coworkers to a bar for my birthday. I sat there drinking alone for two hours before I walked home crying. Didn’t even get a happy birthday last year from anyone except my mom and aunt.

We took COVID seriously and during the summer of 2020 our daughter turned 4. We didn’t have a party, but we invited all of our family to a zoom meeting to sing her happy birthday.

Not a single member of my family joined the call. I tried my best to keep my composure but I ended up crying in the bathroom after we cleaned up. They’re always on their phones and tablets anyway. There was no reason they couldn’t pop in for thirty seconds on a Saturday to sing happy birthday. I’m tearing up just thinking about it.



 Posted by at 5:39 pm